Cesar Silva
Cesar Silva
Departamento de Electrónica, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
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Predictive current control of a voltage source inverter
J Rodriguez, J Pontt, CA Silva, P Correa, P Lezana, P Cortés, U Ammann
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 54 (1), 495-503, 2007
Delay compensation in model predictive current control of a three-phase inverter
P Cortes, J Rodriguez, C Silva, A Flores
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (2), 1323-1325, 2011
High-performance control strategies for electrical drives: An experimental assessment
J Rodríguez, RM Kennel, JR Espinoza, M Trincado, CA Silva, CA Rojas
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 59 (2), 812-820, 2011
Predictive current control strategy with imposed load current spectrum
P Cortés, J Rodríguez, DE Quevedo, C Silva
IEEE Transactions on power Electronics 23 (2), 612-618, 2008
Control strategies based on symmetrical components for grid-connected converters under voltage dips
S Alepuz, S Busquets-Monge, J Bordonau, JA Martínez-Velasco, CA Silva, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (6), 2162-2173, 2009
Predictive torque and flux control without weighting factors
CA Rojas, J Rodriguez, F Villarroel, JR Espinoza, CA Silva, M Trincado
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (2), 681-690, 2012
A vector control technique for medium-voltage multilevel inverters
J Rodríguez, L Morán, P Correa, C Silva
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 49 (4), 882-888, 2002
High-performance torque and flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
S Kouro, R Bernal, H Miranda, CA Silva, J Rodríguez
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 22 (6), 2116-2123, 2007
Hybrid rotor position observer for wide speed-range sensorless PM motor drives including zero speed
C Silva, GM Asher, M Sumner
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (2), 373-378, 2006
Large current rectifiers: State of the art and future trends
JR Rodríguez, J Pontt, C Silva, EP Wiechmann, PW Hammond, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (3), 738-746, 2005
A new modulation method to reduce common-mode voltages in multilevel inverters
J Rodríguez, J Pontt, P Correa, P Cortes, C Silva
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 51 (4), 834-839, 2004
Predictive speed control of a two-mass system driven by a permanent magnet synchronous motor
EJ Fuentes, CA Silva, JI Yuz
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (7), 2840-2848, 2011
High-voltage multilevel converter with regeneration capability
J Rodríguez, L Morán, J Pontt, JL Hernández, L Silva, C Silva, P Lezana
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 49 (4), 839-846, 2002
Predictive control of three-phase inverter
J Rodrıguez, J Pontt, C Silva, M Salgado, S Rees, U Ammann, P Lezana, ...
Electron. Lett 40 (9), 561-562, 2004
Implementation and control of a hybrid multilevel converter with floating DC links for current waveform improvement
CA Silva, LA Cordova, P Lezana, L Empringham
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (6), 2304-2312, 2010
A high-performance vector control of an 11-level inverter
J Rodríguez, L Morán, J Pontt, P Correa, C Silva
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 50 (1), 80-85, 2003
Zero-steady-state-error input-current controller for regenerative multilevel converters based on single-phase cells
P Lezana, CA Silva, J Rodriguez, MA Pérez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (2), 733-740, 2007
MPC implementation of a quasi-time-optimal speed control for a PMSM drive, with inner modulated-FS-MPC torque control
E Fuentes, CA Silva, RM Kennel
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (6), 3897-3905, 2016
Modulated model-predictive control with optimized overmodulation
CF Garcia, CA Silva, JR Rodriguez, P Zanchetta, SA Odhano
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (1), 404-413, 2018
A novel direct torque control scheme for induction machines with space vector modulation
J Rodriguez, J Pontt, C Silva, S Kouro, H Miranda
2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
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Articles 1–20