Brenda R Moon
Cited by
Cited by
Digital Dialogue? Australian Politicians' use of the Social Network Tool Twitter
WJ Grant, B Moon, JB Grant
Australian Journal of Political Science 45 (4), 579-604, 2010
Towards a typology of hashtag publics: a large-scale comparative study of user engagement across trending topics
A Bruns, B Moon, A Paul, F Münch
Communication Research and Practice, 2016
The Australian Twittersphere in 2016: Mapping the Follower/Followee Network
A Bruns, B Moon, F Münch, T Sadkowsky
Social Media+ Society 3 (4), 2056305117748162, 2017
We care about different things: Non-elite conceptualizations of social media privacy
K Quinn, D Epstein, B Moon
Social Media+ Society 5 (3), 2056305119866008, 2019
Social Media in Australian Federal Elections: Comparing the 2013 and 2016 Campaigns
A Bruns, B Moon
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (2), 425-448, 2018
Science, Twitter and election campaigns: tracking# auspol in the Australian federal elections
M McKinnon, D Semmens, B Moon, I Amarasekara, L Bolliet
Journal of Science Communication 15 (6), Article number-A04, 2016
Social bots in a commercial context-A case study on SoundCloud
B Ross, F Brachten, S Stieglitz, P Wikstrom, B Moon, FV Münch, A Bruns
Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2018 …, 2018
One day in the life of a national Twittersphere
A Bruns, B Moon
Nordicom Review 40 (s1), 11-30, 2019
One day in the life of a National Twittersphere
A Bruns, B Moon
Social Media & Society 2016, 2016
Discourse-analytical studies on social media platforms: A data-driven mixed-methods approach
E Dehghan, A Bruns, P Mitchell, B Moon
Produsing Theory in a Digital World 3.0: The Intersection of Audiences and …, 2020
Detecting Twitter bots that share SoundCloud tracks
A Bruns, B Moon, FV Münch, P Wikström, S Stieglitz, F Brachten, B Ross
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society …, 2018
Identifying bots in the Australian Twittersphere
B Moon
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society, 1-5, 2017
Beyond Hashtags: Collecting and analysing conversations on Twitter
B Moon, N Suzor, AM Fernández
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2016
Current distribution of the eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii, in Victoria
BR Moon
Department of Conservation Forests and Lands, Arthur Rylah Institute for …, 1984
News sharing on Twitter: A nationally comparative study
A Bruns, B Moon, F Münch, JH Schmidt, L Merten, H Moe, S Schwartz
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 6, 2016
Investigating bots and coordinated influence campaigns in Twitter discussions of the 2019-20 Iran protests
E Dehghan, B Moon, T Keller, T Graham, A Bruns, D Angus
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2020: The 21st Annual Conference …, 2020
Much ado about nothing? MPs’ use of Social Media in the new Digital Agenda Committee of the German Bundestag
J Schwanholz, B Moon, A Bruns, F Muench
Managing Democracy in the Digital Age. Internet Regulation, Social Media Use …, 2018
Much ado about nothing? The use of social media in the new digital agenda committee of the German Bundestag
J Schwanholz, B Moon, A Bruns, F Münch
Managing Democracy in the Digital Age, 97-118, 2018
Sharing, Spamming, Sockpuppeting: Comparing the Twitter Dissemination Careers of News Articles from Mainstream and Suspect News Outlets
A Bruns, T Graham, B Moon, TR Keller, D Angus
Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, 2020
Characterising Twitter Reply Chains in the Australian Twittersphere
B Moon
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2017
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Articles 1–20