Late B.S.Arts Prof.N.G.Science & A.G.Commerce College
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Combustion synthesis of Sr2B2O5: Tb3+ green emitting phosphor for solid state lighting
VR Panse, NS Kokode, AN Yerpude, SJ Dhoble
Optik 127 (4), 1603-1606, 2016
Photoluminescence properties of Ca2Al2O5: RE3+ (RE= Eu, Dy and Tb) phosphors for solid state lighting
AN Yerpude, VR Panse, SJ Dhoble, NS Kokode, M Srinivas
Journal of biological and chemical Luminescence 32 (7), 1361-1364, 2017
Combustion synthesis of Eu3+ doped Al4B2O9 phosphor for light emitting diode
AN Yerpude, SK Ramteke, GN Nikhare, VR Panse, NS Kokode, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 29, 857-860, 2020
Synthesis and optical characterization of CaSr2Al2O6:RE3+(RE = Eu and Tb) phosphor for solid state lighting
VR Panse, AN Yerpude, SJ Dhoble, NS Kokode, R Choithrani
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28, 16880-16887, 2017
Preparation and luminescence properties of Tb3+ activated microcrystalline ZrO2 green emitting phosphor for solid state lighting
VR Panse, NS Kokode, SJ Dhoble
Optik 126 (23), 4782-4787, 2015
Luminescence in microcrystalline green emitting Li2Mg1− xZrO4: xTb3+ (0.1≤ x≤ 2.0) phosphor
VR Panse, NS Kokode, KN Shinde, SJ Dhoble
Results in physics 8, 99-103, 2018
Green, orange and reddish color emitting rare earth activated Ca2BO3Cl phosphor for solid state lighting applications
VR Panse, NS Kokode, A Shukla, AN Yerpude, SJ Dhoble
Optik 127 (15), 5860-5864, 2016
Luminescence investigation of novel MgPbAl10O17: Tb3+ green‐emitting phosphor for solid‐state lighting
VR Panse, NS Kokode, SJ Dhoble, AN Yerpude
Journal of biological and chemical Luminescence 31 (3), 893-896, 2016
Structural and optical properties of CdO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique
RS Meshram, VR Panse, SM Waghare, A Manap, A Hadap, A Saregar
Journal of Optics, 1-7, 2024
Luminescence investigation of microcrystalline Ca2PO4Cl: Dy3+ phosphor for eco friendly solid state lighting
VR Panse, SJ Dhoble
Optik 130, 539-542, 2017
Tb3+ doped Sr2 (BO3) Cl green emitting phosphor for solid state lighting
V R Panse, NS Kokode, SJ Dhoble
Advanced Materials Letters 5 (10), 604-610, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of Tb3+ doped MgSrAl10O17 green emitting phosphor
VR Panse, NS Kokode, SJ Dhoble
AIP Conference Proceedings 1569 (1), 372-375, 2013
Photoluminescence Property of Erbium-Doped Yttrium Oxide: Doping Concentration and Its Effect
P Singh, M Kaur, N Brahme, DP Bisen, R Umam, VR Panse, A Said, ...
Integrated Ferroelectrics 230 (1), 100-107, 2022
Combustion Synthesis and Photoluminescence Studies of Blue‐Emitting CaAl12O19:Ce3+ Lamp Phosphors
VR Panse, SR Choubey, A Pattanaik, SJ Dhoble
Macromolecular Symposia 393 (1), 2000100, 2020
Photoluminescence properties of Sr2bo3cl: Dy3+ phosphor for solid state lighting
VR Panse, AN Yerpude, NS Kokode, SJ Dhoble
Optik 127 (11), 4778-4779, 2016
Photoluminescence studies and synthesis of KSrPO4: Ce3+, Eu3+ blue and orange-red emitting phosphor
G Rahate, VR Panse, SJ Dhoble, NS Kokode, K Sharma
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1120 (1), 012005, 2021
Collaboration the role of doctors and pharmacers in rational preparation in rantauprapat hospital, constraints and its efforts
FI Lubis
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal 2 (1), 19-28, 2020
Synthesis and study of trivalent cerium activated Ca2Pb3 (PO4) 3Cl noval blue emitting phosphor for solid state lighting
VR Panse, SJ Dhoble
Optik 219, 165107, 2020
Preparation and tunable luminescence of microcrystalline SrMg2Al16O27:Tb3+ and Eu3+ phosphor for solid state lighting
VR Panse, A Shukla, SV Panse, NS Dhoble, SJ Dhoble
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28, 2193-2199, 2017
Luminescence in Ba2Sr2Al2O7: RE (RE= Tb3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+) novel aluminate phosphors
SA Pardhi, VR Panse, SJ Dhoble
Luminescence 31 (6), 1290-1294, 2016
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Articles 1–20