Julie Olson-Buchanan
Cited by
Cited by
The use of communication technologies after hours: The role of work attitudes and work-life conflict
WR Boswell, JB Olson-Buchanan
Journal of management 33 (4), 592-610, 2007
Relations between stress and work outcomes: The role of felt challenge, job control, and psychological strain
WR Boswell, JB Olson-Buchanan, MA LePine
Journal of Vocational Behavior 64 (1), 165-181, 2004
Blurring boundaries: Correlates of integration and segmentation between work and nonwork
JB Olson-Buchanan, WR Boswell
Journal of Vocational behavior 68 (3), 432-445, 2006
Helicopter parents: An examination of the correlates of over-parenting of college students
JC Bradley-Geist, JB Olson-Buchanan
Education+ Training 56 (4), 314-328, 2014
The determinants of alternative forms of workplace voice: An integrative perspective
BS Klaas, JB Olson-Buchanan, AK Ward
Journal of management 38 (1), 314-345, 2012
An integrative model of experiencing and responding to mistreatment at work
JB Olson-Buchanan, WR Boswell
Academy of Management Review 33 (1), 76-96, 2008
Innovations in computerized assessment
F Drasgow, JB Olson-Buchanan
Psychology Press, 1999
Shaping ethical perceptions: An empirical assessment of the influence of business education, culture, and demographic factors
YP Lopez, PL Rechner, JB Olson-Buchanan
Journal of business ethics 60, 341-358, 2005
Examining the impact of administration medium on examinee perceptions and attitudes.
WL Richman-Hirsch, JB Olson-Buchanan, F Drasgow
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (6), 880, 2000
Interactive video assessment of conflict resolution skills
JB OLSON‐BUCHANAN, F Drasgow, PJ Moberg, AD Mead, PA Keenan, ...
Personnel Psychology 51 (1), 1-24, 1998
The role of employee loyalty and formality in voicing discontent.
JB Olson-Buchanan, WR Boswell
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (6), 1167, 2002
Experiencing mistreatment at work: The role of grievance filing, nature of mistreatment, and employee withdrawal
WR Boswell, JB Olson-Buchanan
Academy of management Journal 47 (1), 129-139, 2004
I cannot afford to have a life: Employee adaptation to feelings of job insecurity
WR Boswell, JB Olson‐Buchanan, TB Harris
Personnel Psychology 67 (4), 887-915, 2014
Voicing discontent: What happens to the grievance filer after the grievance?
JB Olson-Buchanan
Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (1), 52, 1996
Managing “after hours” electronic work communication
WR Boswell, JB Olson-Buchanan, MM Butts, WJ Becker
Organizational Dynamics 45 (4), 291-297, 2016
Utilizing virtual teams in a management principles course
JB Olson‐Buchanan, PL Rechner, RJ Sanchez, JM Schmidtke
Education+ Training 49 (5), 408-423, 2007
Using industrial-organizational psychology for the greater good
J Olson-Buchanan, LK Bryan, LF Thompson
Routledge, 2013
Multimedia situational judgment tests: The medium creates the message
JB Olson-Buchanan, F Drasgow
Situational judgment tests, 253-278, 2013
Development of an interactive video assessment: Trials and tribulations
F Drasgow, JB Olson-Buchanan, PJ Moberg
Innovations in computerized assessment, 177-196, 1999
24 The role of technology in managing the work and nonwork interface
JB Olson-Buchanan, WR Boswell, TJ Morgan
The Oxford handbook of work and family, 333-348, 2016
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Articles 1–20