Francesca Fantoni
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Cited by
Multi-field asymptotic homogenization of thermo-piezoelectric materials with periodic microstructure
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, M Paggi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 120, 31-56, 2017
A phase field approach for damage propagation in periodic microstructured materials
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, M Paggi, J Reinoso
International Journal of Fracture 223, 53-76, 2020
Fracture propagation in brittle materials as a standard dissipative process: general theorems and crack tracking algorithms
A Salvadori, F Fantoni
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95, 681-696, 2016
Design of thermo-piezoelectric microstructured bending actuators via multi-field asymptotic homogenization
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, M Paggi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 146, 319-336, 2018
Wave propagation modeling in periodic elasto-thermo-diffusive materials via multifield asymptotic homogenization
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 196, 99-128, 2020
Minimum theorems in 3D incremental linear elastic fracture mechanics
A Salvadori, F Fantoni
International Journal of Fracture 184, 57-74, 2013
Multi-objective optimal design of mechanical metafilters based on principal component analysis
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, G Gnecco, L Gambarotta
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 248, 108195, 2023
Multifield nested metafilters for wave propagation control
F Fantoni, E Bosco, A Bacigalupo
Extreme Mechanics Letters 56, 101885, 2022
The generalized Floquet-Bloch spectrum for periodic thermodiffusive layered materials
F Fantoni, L Morini, A Bacigalupo, M Paggi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 194, 106178, 2021
Weight function theory and variational formulations for three-dimensional plane elastic cracks advancing
A Salvadori, F Fantoni
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (5), 1030-1045, 2014
Principal component analysis applied to gradient fields in band gap optimization problems for metamaterials
G Gnecco, A Bacigalupo, F Fantoni, D Selvi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2015 (1), 012047, 2021
Fracture propagation in brittle materials as a standard dissipative process: Effective crack tracking algorithms based on a viscous regularization
A Salvadori, F Wawrzynek, Paul, Fantoni
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 127, 221-238, 2019
On a 3D crack tracking algorithm and its variational nature
A Salvadori, F Fantoni
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (11), 2807-2821, 2014
Multifield constitutive identification of non-conventional thermo-viscoelastic periodic Cauchy materials
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 223, 107228, 2022
Uniform and Lipschitz continuity of objective functions in metamaterial band gap optimization problems
G Gnecco, F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo
AIP Conference Proceedings 2300 (1), 2020
High order boundary and finite elements for 3D fracture propagation in brittle materials
M Zammarchi, F Fantoni, A Salvadori, P Wawrzynek
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 315, 550-583, 2017
Dynamic multifield continualization of multilayered lattice-like metamaterials
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, L Gambarotta
International Journal of Solids and Structures 304, 113015, 2024
Integral formulation for 2D hydraulic fractures
N Curati, F Fantoni, A Aimi, A Salvadori
SIMAI 2023 Book of Abstracts, 247-247, 2023
Frequency band structure of hierarchical viscoelastic metamaterials
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, G Gnecco
AIP Conference Proceedings 2300 (1), 2020
Thermodiffusion in periodic materials: dynamic asymptotic homogenization and complex frequency band structure
F Fantoni, A Bacigalupo, M Paggi
XXIV congresso AIMETA 2019 Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e …, 2019
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Articles 1–20