Natalie Debenham
Natalie Debenham
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How wide is a fault damage zone? Using network topology to examine how fault-damage zones overprint regional fracture networks
RL Hansberry, RC King, SP Holford, M Hand, N Debenham
Journal of Structural Geology 146, 104327, 2021
Spatial distribution of micrometre‐scale porosity and permeability across the damage zone of a reverse‐reactivated normal fault in a tight sandstone: Insights from the Otway …
N Debenham, NJC Farrell, SP Holford, RC King, D Healy
Basin Research 31 (3), 640-658, 2019
The effect of authigenic clays on fault zone permeability
NJC Farrell, N Debenham, L Wilson, MJ Wilson, D Healy, RC King, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (10), e2021JB022615, 2021
The influence of a reverse-reactivated normal fault on natural fracture geometries and relative chronologies at Castle Cove, Otway Basin
N Debenham, RC King, SP Holford
Journal of Structural Geology 112, 112-130, 2018
Innovative sub-micron SEM-EDS mineral mapping and analysis applied to australian shale samples
D Haberlah*, S Loehr, M Kennedy, N Debenham, D Lattanzi
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
Controls on organic carbon enrichment in a Permian periglacial setting (Arckaringa Basin)
N Debenham
Macquarie University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of …, 2016
The spatial distribution and geochemical variation of fault and fracture hosted calcite and gypsum cements in the eastern Bristol Channel Basin
N Debenham, SP Holford, RC King
Marine and Petroleum Geology 116, 104320, 2020
Maximising production from the Gippsland Basin: integrating subsurface datasets across multiple disciplines to increase domestic gas supply
A Fynnaart, N Debenham, A Kumaravel, K Trump, A Goody
The APPEA Journal 63 (2), S232-S236, 2023
Optimising value in the mature Turrum Field: integrating modern seismic, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and production data in a 3D geological model
N Debenham, A Fynnaart, M Ryan, A Goody
The APPEA Journal 62 (2), S416-S420, 2022
The permeability structure of fault zones in sedimentary basins: a case study at the Castle Cove Fault, Otway Basin
N Debenham, NJC Farrell, SP Holford, RC King, D Healy
The APPEA Journal 58 (2), 805-808, 2018
Clay lies still? The Role of Authigenic Clays in Fault Zones and the implications for Fluid Flow
NJC Farrell, N Debenham, D Healy, R King, SP Holford, L Wilson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019
Clay lies still? The Role of Authigenic Clays in Fault Zones and the implications for Fluid Flow
D Healy, NJC Farrell, N Debenham, R King, SP Holford, L Wilson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, MR23G-0178, 2019
Using network topology to constrain fracture network permeability
R Hansberry, S Holford, R King, N Debenham
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2019 (1), 1-4, 2019
This chapter is written in publication format: Debenham, N., Holford, SP, King, RC The spatial distribution and geochemical variation of calcite and gypsum cements in the …
N Debenham
Characterising the structural, petrophysical, and geochemical properties of …, 2019
This chapter is published as: Debenham, N., Farrell, NJC, Holford, SP, King, RC, Healy, D. 2019. Spatial distribution of micrometre-scale porosity and permeability across the …
N Debenham
Characterising the structural, petrophysical, and geochemical properties of …, 2019
This chapter is written in publication format: Debenham, N., Duddy, IR, King, RC, Holford, SP The pore fluid evolution of the mid-Cretaceous Eumeralla Formation in the eastern …
N Debenham
Characterising the structural, petrophysical, and geochemical properties of …, 2019
Characterising the structural, petrophysical, and geochemical properties of inverted fault zones
N Debenham
The influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin
N Debenham, NJC Farrell, SP Holford, RC King, D Healy
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2018 (1), 1-4, 2018
Seasonal redox oscillation and OC enrichment in a cold-climate source rock
N Debenham, MJ Kennedy, SC Löhr
Goldschmidt Abstracts 2015, 680, 2015
A new model for cold climate source rock preservation in the Arckaringa Basin
N Debenham
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Articles 1–20