Gabor Romhany
Gabor Romhany
Associate professor of Polymer Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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Tensile fracture and failure behavior of technical flax fibers
G Romhany, J Karger‐Kocsis, T Czigany
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 90 (13), 3638-3645, 2003
Tensile fracture and failure behavior of thermoplastic starch with unidirectional and cross‐ply flax fiber reinforcements
G Romhány, J Karger‐Kocsis, T Czigány
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 288 (9), 699-707, 2003
Interlaminar crack propagation in MWCNT/fiber reinforced hybrid composites
G Romhany, G Szebenyi
Express Polymer Letters 3 (3), 145-151, 2009
Failure assessment and evaluation of damage development and crack growth in polymer composites via localization of acoustic emission events: a review
G Romhány, T Czigány, J Karger-Kocsis
Polymer Reviews 57 (3), 397-439, 2017
Shape memory characteristics of woven glass fibre fabric reinforced epoxy composite in flexure
M Fejős, G Romhány, J Karger-Kocsis
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 31 (22), 1532-1537, 2012
Interlaminar fatigue crack growth behavior of MWCNT/carbon fiber reinforced hybrid composites monitored via newly developed acoustic emission method.
G Romhany, G Szebényi
Express Polymer Letters 6 (7), 2012
Fracture and failure behavior of fabric‐reinforced all‐poly (propylene) composite (Curv®)
G Romhany, T Barany, T Czigany, J Karger‐Kocsis
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 18 (2), 90-96, 2007
Fracture behavior and damage development in self-reinforced PET composites assessed by located acoustic emission and thermography: Effects of flame retardant and recycled PET
G Romhány, CM Wu, WY Lai, J Karger-Kocsis
Composites Science and Technology 132, 76-83, 2016
Essential work of fracture and acoustic emission study on TPNR composites reinforced by kenaf fiber
H Anuar, SH Ahmad, R Rasid, SN Surip, T Czigany, G Romhany
Journal of Composite Materials 41 (25), 3035-3049, 2007
Determination of J–R curves of thermoplastic starch composites containing crossed quasi-unidirectional flax fiber reinforcement
G Romhány, T Czigány, J Karger-Kocsis
Composites science and technology 66 (16), 3179-3187, 2006
pCBT/MWCNT Nanocomposites Prepared by In situ Polymerization of CBT after Solid‐Phase High‐Energy Ball Milling of CBT with MWCNT
G Romhány, J Vígh, R Thomann, J Karger‐Kocsis, IE Sajó
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 296 (6), 544-550, 2011
Mode I fracture resistance of glass fiber mat-reinforced polypropylene composites at various degree of consolidation
OI Benevolenski, J Karger-Kocsis, T Czigány, G Romhány
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 34 (3), 267-273, 2003
Development of a novel color inhomogeneity test method for injection molded parts
L Zsíros, A Suplicz, G Romhány, T Tábi, JG Kovács
Polymer testing 37, 112-116, 2014
Derivation of ply specific stiffness parameters of fiber reinforced polymer laminates via inverse solution of classical laminate theory
L Kovács, G Romhány
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 62 (2), 158-164, 2018
Preparation of MWCNT reinforced epoxy nanocomposite and examination of its mechanical properties
G Romhány, G Szebényi
Plastics, rubber and composites 37 (5-6), 214-218, 2008
EB treatment of carbon nanotube-reinforced polymer composites
G Szebényi, G Romhány, B Vajna, T Czvikovszky
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (9), 1383-1388, 2012
Novel evaluation method of acoustic emission data based on statistical fiber bundle cells
LM Vas, Z Kocsis, T Czigány, P Tamás, G Romhány
Journal of Composite Materials 53 (17), 2429-2446, 2019
Starch for injection moulding purposes. in ‘Engineering biopolymers: Homopolymers, blends, and composites’(eds.: Fakirov S., Bhattacharyya D.) Hanser Publisher
T Czigány, G Romhány, JG Kovács
Munich 1, 81-108, 2006
Interpenetrating vinylester/epoxy resins reinforced by flax fibre mat
JS Szabo, G Romhány, T Czigány, J Karger-Kocsis
Advanced Composites Letters 12 (3), 096369350301200304, 2003
Investigation of oil palm and pineapple fiber reinforced phenol formaldehyde composites by acoustic emission technique
MS Sreekala, T Czigány, G Romhány, S Thomas
Polymers and Polymer Composites 11 (1), 9-18, 2003
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Articles 1–20