Ivelina Stoyanova
Ivelina Stoyanova
Research assistant, Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language,
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Cited by
Cited by
The PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions
A Savary, C Ramisch, SR Cordeiro, F Sangati, V Vincze, B Qasemi Zadeh, ...
The 13th Workshop on Multiword Expression at EACL, 31-47, 2017
Edition 1.1 of the PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions
C Ramisch, S Cordeiro, A Savary, V Vincze, VB Mititelu, A Bhatia, ...
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword …, 2018
The Bulgarian National Corpus: Theory and practice in corpus design
S Koeva, I Stoyanova, S Leseva, R Dekova, T Dimitrova, E Tarpomanova
Journal of Language Modelling, 65–110-65–110, 2012
PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal multiword expressions
A Savary, M Candito, VB Mititelu, E Bejček, F Cap, S Čéplö, SR Cordeiro, ...
Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE …, 2018
Text modification for Bulgarian sign language users
S Lozanova, I Stoyanova, S Leseva, S Koeva, B Savtchev
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text …, 2013
Semi-automatic compilation of the dictionary of Bulgarian multiword expressions
S Koeva, I Stoyanova, M Todorova, S Leseva
Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexicographic Resources for Human Language …, 2016
Automatic prediction of morphosemantic relations
S Koeva, S Leseva, I Stoyanova, T Dimitrova, M Todorova
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet conference (GWC), 169-177, 2016
Beyond lexical and semantic resources: linking WordNet with FrameNet and enhancing synsets with conceptual frames
S Leseva, I Stoyanova
Towards a Semantic Network Enriched with a Variety of Semantic Relations, 21-48, 2020
Bulgarian tagged corpora
S Koeva, S Leseva, I Stoyanova, E Tarpomanova, M Todorova
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Formal Approaches to South …, 2006
Classifying verbs in WordNet by harnessing semantic resources
S Leseva, I Stoyanova, M Todorova
Proceedings of CLIB, 115-125, 2018
Enhancing conceptual description through resource linking and exploration of semantic relations
S Leseva, I Stoyanova
Proceedings of 10th Global WordNet Conference, 23-27, 2019
Wordnet-based cross-language identification of semantic relations
I Stoyanova, S Koeva, S Leseva
Proceedings of the 4th Biennial International Workshop on Balto-Slavic …, 2013
PARSEME corpus release 1.3
A Savary, CB Khelil, C Ramisch, V Giouli, VB Mititelu, NH Mohamed, ...
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2023), 24-35, 2023
Structural approach to enhancing WordNet with conceptual frame semantics
S Leseva, I Stoyanova
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural …, 2019
Automatic classification of wordnet morphosemantic relations
S Leseva, I Stoyanova, M Todorova, T Dimitrova, B Rizov, S Koeva
The 5th workshop on balto-slavic natural language processing, 59-64, 2015
Bulgarian X-language Parallel Corpus.
S Koeva, I Stoyanova, R Dekova, B Rizov, A Genov
LREC, 2480-2486, 2012
Putting pieces together: Predicate-argument relations and selectional preferences
S Leseva, I Stoyanova, M Todorova, H Kukova
Towards a Semantic Network Enriched with a Variety of Semantic Relations, 49, 2021
A theoretical overview of conceptual frames and semantic restrictions on frame elements
S Leseva, I Stoyanova, M Todorova, H Kukova
Linguistique balkanique 58 (2), 172-186, 2019
The meaning of zero nouns and zero verbs
VB Mititelu, G Iordăchioaia, S Leseva, I Stoyanova
The semantics of derivational morphology. Theory, methods, evidence, 63-102, 2023
Semantic analysis of verb-noun derivation in Princeton WordNet
V Mititelu, S Leseva, I Stoyanova
Proceedings of the 11th Global Wordnet Conference, 108-117, 2021
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Articles 1–20