Andrew watt
Andrew watt
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Motivational control after extended instrumental training
A Dickinson, B Balleine, A Watt, F Gonzalez, RA Boakes
Animal Learning & Behavior 23, 197-206, 1995
Hippocampal lesions disrupt an associative mismatch process
RC Honey, A Watt, M Good
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (6), 2226-2230, 1998
Social categorization and stimulus equivalence
A Watt, M Keenan, D Barnes, E Cairns
The Psychological Record 41, 33-50, 1991
Impaired eye expression recognition in schizophrenia
JM Kington, LA Jones, AA Watt, EJ Hopkin, J Williams
Journal of psychiatric research 34 (4-5), 341-347, 2000
Differences between clinically anxious and non-anxious subjects in a stimulus equivalence training task involving threat words
JC Leslie, KJ Tierney, CP Robinson, M Keenan, A Watt, D Barnes
The Psychological Record 43 (1), 153, 1993
Brittain's sadistic murderer syndrome reconsidered: An associative account of the aetiology of sadistic sexual fantasy
M MacCulloch, N Gray, A Watt
The journal of forensic psychiatry 11 (2), 401-418, 2000
Behavioral indicators of sadistic sexual murder predict the presence of sadistic sexual fantasy in a normative sample
NS Gray, A Watt, S Hassan, MJ Macculloch
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 18 (9), 1018-1034, 2003
Content of command hallucinations predicts self-harm but not violence in a medium secure unit
P Rogers, A Watt, NS Gray, M MacCulloch, K Gournay
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 13 (2), 251-262, 2002
Acquired relational equivalence between contexts and features.
RC Honey, A Watt
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 25 (3), 324, 1999
Acquired relational equivalence: implications for the nature of associative structures.
RC Honey, A Watt
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 24 (3), 325, 1998
Restrictive practices in adult secure mental health services: A scoping review
D Lawrence, R Bagshaw, D Stubbings, A Watt
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 21 (1), 68-88, 2022
Untutored discrimination training on paired cell images influences visual learning in cytopathology
A Evered, D Walker, AA Watt, N Perham
Cancer cytopathology 122 (3), 200-210, 2014
To what extent does nonanalytic reasoning contribute to visual learning in cytopathology?
A Evered, D Walker, AA Watt, N Perham
Cancer cytopathology 121 (6), 329-338, 2013
Offence characteristics, trauma histories and post‐traumatic stress disorder symptoms in life sentenced prisoners
E Payne, A Watt, P Rogers, M McMurran
The British Journal of Forensic Practice 10 (1), 17-25, 2008
Combining CSs associated with the same or different USs
A Watt, RC Honey
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 50 (4b), 350-367, 1997
External validity and anchoring heuristics: application of DUNDRUM-1 to secure service gatekeeping in South Wales
D Lawrence, TL Davies, R Bagshaw, P Hewlett, P Taylor, A Watt
BJPsych bulletin 42 (1), 10-18, 2018
A double dissociative study into the effectiveness of computational thinking
AC Calderon, D Skillicorn, A Watt, N Perham
Education and Information Technologies 25 (2), 1181-1192, 2020
Pre-admission nursing assessment in a Welsh Medium Secure Unit (1991–2000): Part 2—comparison of traditional nursing assessment with the HCR-20 risk assessment tool
A Watt, B Topping-Morris, P Rogers, M Doyle, T Mason
International journal of nursing studies 40 (6), 657-662, 2003
Associations between schizotypal traits and antisocial behaviours in a sub-Saharan sample
CT Orjiakor, A Watt, SK Iorfa, DU Onu, AI Okonkwo
Archives of psychiatric nursing 33 (6), 138-143, 2019
Mental health nurses’ perceptions of attachment style as a construct in a medium secure hospital: a thematic analysis
N Boniwell, L Etheridge, R Bagshaw, J Sullivan, A Watt
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 10 (4), 218-233, 2015
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