Jian Xu
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Cited by
Extrasynaptic NMDA receptors couple preferentially to excitotoxicity via calpain-mediated cleavage of STEP
J Xu, P Kurup, Y Zhang, SM Goebel-Goody, PH Wu, AH Hawasli, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (29), 9330-9343, 2009
The role of STEP in Alzheimer's disease
PJL Pradeep Kurup, Yongfang Zhang, Deepa V Venkitaramani, Jian Xu
Channels (Austin) 4 (5), 347-350, 2010
Aβ-mediated NMDA receptor endocytosis in Alzheimer's disease involves ubiquitination of the tyrosine phosphatase STEP61
P Kurup, Y Zhang, J Xu, DV Venkitaramani, V Haroutunian, P Greengard, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (17), 5948-5957, 2010
Genetic reduction of striatal-enriched tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) reverses cognitive and cellular deficits in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Y Zhang, P Kurup, J Xu, N Carty, SM Fernandez, HB Nygaard, C Pittenger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (44), 19014-19019, 2010
Potentiation of synaptic GluN2B NMDAR currents by Fyn kinase is gated through BDNF-mediated disinhibition in spinal pain processing
ME Hildebrand, J Xu, A Dedek, Y Li, AS Sengar, S Beggs, PJ Lombroso, ...
Cell reports 17 (10), 2753-2765, 2016
Inhibitor of the tyrosine phosphatase STEP reverses cognitive deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
J Xu, M Chatterjee, TD Baguley, J Brouillette, P Kurup, D Ghosh, J Kanyo, ...
PLoS biology 12 (8), e1001923, 2014
Antibodies from children with PANDAS bind specifically to striatal cholinergic interneurons and alter their activity
J Xu, RJ Liu, S Fahey, L Frick, J Leckman, F Vaccarino, RS Duman, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 178 (1), 48-64, 2021
Calpain and STriatal-Enriched protein tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP) activation contribute to extrasynaptic NMDA receptor localization in a Huntington's disease mouse model
CM Gladding, MD Sepers, J Xu, LYJ Zhang, AJ Milnerwood, PJ Lombroso, ...
Human Molecular Genetics 21 (17), 3739-3752, 2012
Striatal-enriched Protein-tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP) Regulates Pyk2 Kinase Activity
J Xu, P Kurup, JA Bartos, T Patriarchi, JW Hell, PJ Lombroso
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (25), 20942-20956, 2012
The tyrosine phosphatase STEP: implications in schizophrenia and the molecular mechanism underlying antipsychotic medications
NC Carty, J Xu, P Kurup, J Brouillette, SM Goebel-Goody, DR Austin, ...
Translational Psychiatry 2 (7), e137, 2012
Striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase expression and activity in Huntington's disease: a STEP in the resistance to excitotoxicity
A Saavedra, A Giralt, L Rué, X Xifró, J Xu, Z Ortega, JJ Lucas, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (22), 8150-8162, 2011
Striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase—STEPs toward understanding chronic stress-induced activation of corticotrophin releasing factor neurons in the rat bed nucleus …
J Dabrowska, R Hazra, JD Guo, CC Li, S DeWitt, J Xu, PJ Lombroso, ...
Biological psychiatry 74 (11), 817-826, 2013
Reduced levels of the tyrosine phosphatase STEP block beta amyloid‐mediated GluA1/GluA2 receptor internalization
Y Zhang, P Kurup, J Xu, GM Anderson, P Greengard, AC Nairn, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 119 (3), 664-672, 2011
Loss of STEP61 couples disinhibition to N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor potentiation in rodent and human spinal pain processing
A Dedek, J Xu, CM Kandegedara, LÉ Lorenzo, AG Godin, Y De Koninck, ...
Brain 142 (6), 1535-1546, 2019
Characterization of human LNX, a novel ligand of Numb protein X that is downregulated in human gliomas
J Chen, J Xu, W Zhao, G Hu, H Cheng, Y Kang, Y Xie, Y Lu
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 37 (11), 2273-2283, 2005
STEP61 is a substrate of the E3 ligase parkin and is upregulated in Parkinson’s disease
PK Kurup, J Xu, RA Videira, C Ononenyi, G Baltazar, PJ Lombroso, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (4), 1202-1207, 2015
Identification of a novel human angiopoietin-like gene expressed mainly in heart
L Zeng, J Dai, K Ying, E Zhao, W Jin, Y Ye, J Dai, J Xu, Y Xie, Y Mao
Journal of human genetics 48 (3), 159-162, 2003
A novel splice variant of the cell adhesion molecule contactin 4 (CNTN4) is mainly expressed in human brain
L Zeng, C Zhang, J Xu, X Ye, Q Wu, J Dai, C Ji, S Gu, Y Xie, Y Mao
Journal of human genetics 47 (9), 497-499, 2002
Sexual dimorphism in a neuronal mechanism of spinal hyperexcitability across rodent and human models of pathological pain
A Dedek, J Xu, LÉ Lorenzo, AG Godin, CM Kandegedara, G Glavina, ...
Brain 145 (3), 1124-1138, 2022
Cloning, expression and characterization of human glutathione S-transferase Omega 2.
L Wang, J Xu, C Ji, S Gu, Y Lv, S Li, Y Xu, Y Xie, Y Mao
International journal of molecular medicine 16 (1), 19, 2005
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