Viswanathan Arunachalam
Cited by
Cited by
Introduction to probability and stochastic processes with applications
LB Castañeda, V Arunachalam, S Dharmaraja
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
The use of the tukeys g-h family of distributions to calculate value at risk and conditional value at risk
JA Jiménez, V Arunachalam
Journal of Risk 13 (4), 95-116, 2011
Time-series modeling of fishery landings in the Colombian Pacific Ocean using an ARIMA model
JJ Selvaraj, V Arunachalam, KV Coronado-Franco, LV Romero-Orjuela, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science 39, 101477, 2020
A fluid queue modulated by two independent birth–death processes
V Arunachalam, V Gupta, S Dharmaraja
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 60 (8), 2433-2444, 2010
Stochastic modeling, analysis, and simulation of the COVID-19 pandemic with explicit behavioral changes in Bogotá: A case study
D Niño-Torres, A Ríos-Gutiérrez, V Arunachalam, C Ohajunwa, ...
Infectious Disease Modelling 7 (1), 199-211, 2022
Studies on the basic reproduction number in stochastic epidemic models with random perturbations
A Ríos-Gutiérrez, S Torres, V Arunachalam
Advances in difference equations 2021 (1), 288, 2021
Markov regenerative credit rating model
P Pasricha, D Selvamuthu, V Arunachalam
The Journal of Risk Finance 18 (3), 311-325, 2017
A generalization of Tukey’s gh family of distributions
JA Jiménez, V Arunachalam, GM Serna
Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications 14 (1), 28-44, 2015
Stochastic modeling for delay analysis of a VoIP network
V Gupta, S Dharmaraja, V Arunachalam
Annals of Operations Research 233, 171-180, 2015
Studying complexity and risk through stochastic population dynamics: Persistence, resonance, and extinction in ecosystems
A Mubayi, C Kribs, V Arunachalam, C Castillo-Chavez
Handbook of Statistics 40, 157-193, 2019
On the study of simultaneous service by random number of servers with retrial and preemptive priority
R Vinayak, S Dharmaraja, V Arunachalam
International Journal of Operational Research 20 (1), 68-90, 2014
Approximation of the bivariate renewal function
V Arunachalam, Á Calvache
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 44 (1), 154-167, 2015
Some useful approximations for the availability function
V Arunachalam, A Calvache, A Tansu
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 22 (02 …, 2015
Option pricing based on the generalised Tukey distribution
JA Jiménez, V Arunachalam, GM Serna
International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 3 (3), 191-221, 2014
A time series framework for pricing guaranteed lifelong withdrawal benefit
N Sharma, S Dharmaraja, V Arunachalam
Computational Economics 58 (4), 1225-1261, 2021
Evaluating operational risk by an inhomogeneous counting process based on Panjer recursion
JA Jiménez Moscoso, V Arunachalam
Journal of Operational Risk 11 (1), 2016
Fluid queue driven by finite state Markov processes
V Arunachalam, S Dharmaraja
Ciencia en Desarrollo 5 (2), 79-86, 2014
Transient solution of fluid queue modulated by two independent birth-death processes
S Kapoor, S Dharmaraja, V Arunachalam
International Journal of Operational Research 36 (1), 1-11, 2019
Option Pricing Based On A Log–Skew–Normal Mixture
JA Jiménez, V Arunachalam, GM Serna
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 18 (08), 1550051, 2015
Results on a binding neuron model and their implications for modified hourglass model for neuronal network
V Arunachalam, R Akhavan-Tabatabaei, C Lopez
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2013 (1), 374878, 2013
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Articles 1–20