Richard Spontak
Richard Spontak
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Ultrapermeable, reverse-selective nanocomposite membranes
TC Merkel, BD Freeman, RJ Spontak, Z He, I Pinnau, P Meakin, AJ Hill
Science 296 (5567), 519-522, 2002
Dielectric elastomers as next-generation polymeric actuators
R Shankar, TK Ghosh, RJ Spontak
Soft matter 3 (9), 1116-1129, 2007
Thermoplastic elastomers: fundamentals and applications
RJ Spontak, NP Patel
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 5 (5-6), 333-340, 2000
Sorption, transport, and structural evidence for enhanced free volume in poly (4-methyl-2-pentyne)/fumed silica nanocomposite membranes
TC Merkel, BD Freeman, RJ Spontak, Z He, I Pinnau, P Meakin, AJ Hill
Chemistry of Materials 15 (1), 109-123, 2003
SiOx Gas Barrier Coatings on Polymer Substrates:  Morphology and Gas Transport Considerations
AG Erlat, RJ Spontak, RP Clarke, TC Robinson, PD Haaland, Y Tropsha, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (29), 6047-6055, 1999
Correlated electrical conductivity and mechanical property analysis of high-density polyethylene filled with graphite and carbon fiber
W Thongruang, RJ Spontak, CM Balik
Polymer 43 (8), 2279-2286, 2002
Electroactive nanostructured polymers as tunable actuators
R Shankar, TK Ghosh, RJ Spontak
Advanced Materials 19 (17), 2218-2223, 2007
Bridged double percolation in conductive polymer composites: an electrical conductivity, morphology and mechanical property study
W Thongruang, RJ Spontak, CM Balik
Polymer 43 (13), 3717-3725, 2002
Direct measurement of interfacial curvature distributions in a bicontinuous block copolymer morphology
H Jinnai, Y Nishikawa, RJ Spontak, SD Smith, DA Agard, T Hashimoto
Physical Review Letters 84 (3), 518, 2000
Atomic layer deposition on electrospun polymer fibers as a direct route to Al2O3 microtubes with precise wall thickness control
Q Peng, XY Sun, JC Spagnola, GK Hyde, RJ Spontak, GN Parsons
Nano letters 7 (3), 719-722, 2007
Solvent-regulated ordering in block copolymers
P Alexandridis, RJ Spontak
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 4 (2), 130-139, 1999
Bottlebrush elastomers: A new platform for freestanding electroactuation
Q Li, M Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, K Matyjaszewski, AV Dobrynin, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (2), 2017
Transmission electron microtomography and polymer nanostructures
H Jinnai, RJ Spontak, T Nishi
Macromolecules 43 (4), 1675-1688, 2010
Self‐organization and polyolefin nucleation efficacy of 1,3:2,4‐di‐p‐methylbenzylidene sorbitol
TA Shepard, CR Delsorbo, RM Louth, JL Walborn, DA Norman, ...
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 35 (16), 2617-2628, 1997
Phase behavior of ordered diblock copolymer blends: effect of compositional heterogeneity
RJ Spontak, JC Fung, MB Braunfeld, JW Sedat, DA Agard, L Kane, ...
Macromolecules 29 (13), 4494-4507, 1996
Volume‐exclusion effects in polyethylene blends filled with carbon black, graphite, or carbon fiber
W Thongruang, CM Balik, RJ Spontak
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 40 (10), 1013-1025, 2002
Generation of microcellular foams of PVDF and its blends using supercritical carbon dioxide in a continuous process
S Siripurapu, YJ Gay, JR Royer, JM DeSimone, RJ Spontak, SA Khan
Polymer 43 (20), 5511-5520, 2002
Platinum-containing hyper-cross-linked polystyrene as a modifier-free selective catalyst for L-sorbose oxidation
SN Sidorov, IV Volkov, VA Davankov, MP Tsyurupa, PM Valetsky, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (43), 10502-10510, 2001
Cobalt nanoparticle formation in the pores of hyper-cross-linked polystyrene: Control of nanoparticle growth and morphology
SN Sidorov, LM Bronstein, VA Davankov, MP Tsyurupa, SP Solodovnikov, ...
Chemistry of materials 11 (11), 3210-3215, 1999
Three-dimensional study of cylindrical morphology in a styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer
RJ Spontak, MC Williams, DA Agard
Polymer 29 (3), 387-395, 1988
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Articles 1–20