Sneha Polisetti Couvillion
Cited by
Cited by
Proteogenomic and metabolomic characterization of human glioblastoma
LB Wang, A Karpova, MA Gritsenko, JE Kyle, S Cao, Y Li, D Rykunov, ...
Cancer cell 39 (4), 509-528. e20, 2021
Photocatalytic Activity of Combustion Synthesized ZrO2 and ZrO2–TiO2 Mixed Oxides
S Polisetti, PA Deshpande, G Madras
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 50 (23), 12915-12924, 2011
Auto-deconvolution and molecular networking of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data
AA Aksenov, I Laponogov, Z Zhang, SLF Doran, I Belluomo, D Veselkov, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (2), 169-173, 2021
Standardized multi-omics of Earth’s microbiomes reveals microbial and metabolite diversity
JP Shaffer, LF Nothias, LR Thompson, JG Sanders, RA Salido, ...
Nature microbiology 7 (12), 2128-2150, 2022
Dye sensitized visible light degradation of phenolic compounds
R Vinu, S Polisetti, G Madras
Chemical Engineering Journal 165 (3), 784-797, 2010
New mass spectrometry technologies contributing towards comprehensive and high throughput omics analyses of single cells
SP Couvillion, Y Zhu, G Nagy, JN Adkins, C Ansong, RS Renslow, ...
Analyst 144 (3), 794-807, 2019
Multi-omics Signature of Candida auris, an Emerging and Multidrug-Resistant Pathogen
D Zamith-Miranda, HM Heyman, LG Cleare, SP Couvillion, GC Clair, ...
MSystems 4 (4), 10.1128/msystems. 00257-19, 2019
A Carotenoid-Deficient Mutant in Pantoea sp. YR343, a Bacteria Isolated from the Rhizosphere of Populus deltoides, Is Defective in Root Colonization
AN Bible, SJ Fletcher, DA Pelletier, CW Schadt, SS Jawdy, DJ Weston, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 491, 2016
Effects of ingested nanocellulose on intestinal microbiota and homeostasis in Wistar Han rats
S Khare, GM DeLoid, RM Molina, K Gokulan, SP Couvillion, ...
NanoImpact 18, 100216, 2020
Media matters! Alterations in the loading and release of Histoplasma capsulatum extracellular vesicles in response to different nutritional milieus
LG Cleare, D Zamith, HM Heyman, SP Couvillion, L Nimrichter, ...
Cellular microbiology 22 (9), e13217, 2020
Comparative molecular and immunoregulatory analysis of extracellular vesicles from Candida albicans and Candida auris
D Zamith-Miranda, HM Heyman, SP Couvillion, RJB Cordero, ...
Msystems 6 (4), 10.1128/msystems. 00822-21, 2021
Rapid synthesis of ultrahigh adsorption capacity zirconia by a solution combustion technique
PA Deshpande, S Polisetti, G Madras
Langmuir 27 (7), 3578-3587, 2011
Spatial Mapping of Pyocyanin in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Bacterial Communities Using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
S Polisetti, NF Baig, N Morales-Soto, JD Shrout, PW Bohn
Applied spectroscopy 71 (2), 215-223, 2017
Raman chemical imaging of the rhizosphere bacterium Pantoea sp. YR343 and its co-culture with Arabidopsis thaliana
S Polisetti, AN Bible, JL Morrell-Falvey, PW Bohn
Analyst 141 (7), 2175-2182, 2016
Comparing top-down proteoform identification: deconvolution, PrSM overlap, and PTM detection
DL Tabb, K Jeong, K Druart, MS Gant, KA Brown, C Nicora, M Zhou, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 22 (7), 2199-2217, 2023
Comparative metabolomic analysis reveals shared and unique chemical interactions in sponge holobionts
S Zhang, W Song, LF Nothias, SP Couvillion, N Webster, T Thomas
Microbiome 10 (1), 22, 2022
Interaction networks are driven by community-responsive phenotypes in a chitin-degrading consortium of soil microbes
R McClure, Y Farris, R Danczak, W Nelson, HS Song, A Kessell, JY Lee, ...
Msystems 7 (5), e00372-22, 2022
Omics approaches for understanding biogenesis, composition and functions of fungal extracellular vesicles
D Zamith-Miranda, R Peres da Silva, SP Couvillion, EL Bredeweg, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 12, 648524, 2021
Standardized multi-omics of Earth’s microbiomes reveals microbial and metabolite diversity. Nat. Microbiol. 7, 2128–2150
JP Shaffer, LF Nothias, LR Thompson, JG Sanders, RA Salido, ...
Label-free molecular imaging of bacterial communities of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
N Baig, S Polisetti, N Morales-Soto, SJB Dunham, JV Sweedler, ...
Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering 9930 …, 2016
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