Bev Wilson
Cited by
Cited by
Urban Heat Management and the Legacy of Redlining
B Wilson
Journal of the American Planning Association 86 (4), 443-457, 2020
The environmental impacts of sprawl: emergent themes from the past decade of planning research
B Wilson, A Chakraborty
Sustainability 5 (8), 3302-3327, 2013
Open data for informal settlements: Toward a user׳ s guide for urban managers and planners
A Chakraborty, B Wilson, S Sarraf, A Jana
Journal of Urban Management 4 (2), 74-91, 2015
Modeling the relationships between historical redlining, urban heat, and heat-related emergency department visits: An examination of 11 Texas cities
D Li, GD Newman, B Wilson, Y Zhang, RD Brown
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083211039854, 2021
Urban form and residential electricity consumption: Evidence from Illinois, USA
B Wilson
Landscape and Urban Planning 115, 62-71, 2013
Planning for climate adaptation: Evaluating the changing patterns of social vulnerability and adaptation challenges in three coastal cities
SB Kashem, B Wilson, S Van Zandt
Journal of Planning Education and Research 36 (3), 304-318, 2016
Planning Smart (er) Cities: The Promise of Civic Technology
B Wilson, A Chakraborty
Journal of Urban Technology 26 (4), 29-51, 2019
Race and Spatial Imaginary: Planning Otherwise/Introduction: What Shakes Loose When We Imagine Otherwise/She Made the Vision True: A Journey Toward Recognition and Belonging …
LK Bates, SA Towne, CP Jordan, KL Lelliott, LK Bates, SA Towne, ...
Planning Theory & Practice 19 (2), 254-288, 2018
Mapping vulnerability to extreme heat events: lessons from metropolitan Chicago
B Wilson, A Chakraborty
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62 (6), 1065-1088, 2019
Beyond the supply side: Use and impact of municipal open data in the US
B Wilson, C Cong
Telematics and Informatics 58, 101526, 2020
Spatial impacts of multimodal accessibility to green spaces on housing price in Cook County, Illinois
S Chen, L Zhang, Y Huang, B Wilson, G Mosey, B Deal
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 67, 127370, 2022
Evaluating the dynamic impacts of urban form on transportation and environmental outcomes in US cities
SB Kashem, A Irawan, B Wilson
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11, 2233-2244, 2014
Planning the urban forest: Adding microclimate simulation to the planner’s toolkit
AC Petri, B Wilson, A Koeser
Land Use Policy 88, 104117, 2019
Community-engaged heat resilience planning: Lessons from a youth smart city STEM program
TC Lim, B Wilson, JR Grohs, TJ Pingel
Landscape and Urban Planning 226, 104497, 2022
Where Does location affordability drive residential mobility? An analysis of origin and destination communities
AJ Greenlee, BK Wilson
Housing Policy Debate 26 (4-5), 583-606, 2016
The geography of opportunity: an exploratory spatial data analysis of US counties
B Wilson, AJ Greenlee
GeoJournal 81, 625-640, 2016
Do large residential subdivisions induce further development? A spatially explicit hazard analysis of land use change in charlotte
B Wilson, Y Song
Journal of the American Planning Association 77 (1), 5-22, 2010
Comparing apples with apples: how different are recent residential development patterns in Portland and Charlotte?
B Wilson, Y Song
Journal of Urbanism 2 (1), 51-74, 2009
The pitfalls of regional delineations in land use modeling: Implications for Mumbai region and its planners
A Chakraborty, B Wilson, S bin Kashem
Cities 45, 91-103, 2015
An examination of electricity consumption patterns in manufactured housing units
B Wilson
Housing Policy Debate 22 (2), 175-199, 2012
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Articles 1–20