Alexander Pogrebnjak,Oleksandr Pogrebnjak, Alexander Pogrebnyak, Александр Погребняк, Олександр
Alexander Pogrebnjak,Oleksandr Pogrebnjak, Alexander Pogrebnyak, Александр Погребняк, Олександр
Other namesAlexander Pogrebnyak. Alexander D.pogrebnjak?Pogrebnjak A.D.
Sumy State University and Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,
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Cited by
Cited by
The structure and properties of high-entropy alloys and nitride coatings based on them
AD Pogrebnjak, AA Bagdasaryan, IV Yakushchenko, VM Beresnev
Russian Chemical Reviews 83 (11), 1027, 2014
Structures and properties of hard and superhard nanocomposite coatings
BVM Pogrebnyak A.D., Shpak A.P., Azarenkov N.A.
Physics-Uspekhi 52 (1), 29, 2009
Microstructure, physical and chemical properties of nanostructured (Ti–Hf–Zr–V–Nb) N coatings under different deposition conditions
AD Pogrebnjak, IV Yakushchenko, AA Bagdasaryan, OV Bondar, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 147 (3), 1079-1091, 2014
Irradiation resistance, microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa) N coatings
AD Pogrebnjak, IV Yakushchenko, OV Bondar, VM Beresnev, K Oyoshi, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 679, 155-163, 2016
Структура и свойства твёрдых и сверхтвёрдых нанокомпозитных покрытий
АД Погребняк, АП Шпак, НА Азаренков, ВМ Береснев
Успехи физических наук 179 (1), 35-64, 2009
Ионно-лучевая и ионно-плазменная модификация материалов
КК Кадыржанов, ФФ Комаров, АД Погребняк, ВС Русаков, ...
М.: Изд-во МГУ/К. К Кадыржанов, ФФ Комаров, АД Погребняк, ВС Русаков, ТЭ …, 2005
Модификация металлических материалов импульсными мощными пучками частиц
ВИ Бойко, АН Валяев, АД Погребняк
Успехи физических наук 169 (11), 1243-1271, 1999
A review of mixing processes in Ta/Fe and Mo/Fe systems treated by high current electron beams
AD Pogrebnjak, S Bratushka, VI Boyko, IV Shamanin, YV Tsvintarnaya
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1998
Nanocoatings nanosystems nanotechnologies
AD Pogrebnjak, VM Beresnev
Bentham Science Publishers, 2012
Experimental and theoretical studies of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of multi-layered TiN/SiC films: Temperature effects on the nanocomposite structure
AD Pogrebnjak, VI Ivashchenko, PL Skrynskyy, OV Bondar, P Konarski, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 142, 85-94, 2018
Superhard CrN/MoN coatings with multilayer architecture
AD Pogrebnjak, VM Beresnev, OV Bondar, BO Postolnyi, K Zaleski, E Coy, ...
Materials & Design 153, 47-59, 2018
Application of micro-and nanoprobes to the analysis of small-sized 3D materials, nanosystems, and nanoobjects
AD Pogrebnjak, AG Ponomarev, AP Shpak, YA Kunitskii
Physics-Uspekhi 55 (3), 270, 2012
Synthesis, characterization, in vitro biocompatibility and antibacterial properties study of nanocomposite materials based on hydroxyapatite-biphasic ZnO micro-and …
A Turlybekuly, AD Pogrebnjak, LF Sukhodub, LB Sukhodub, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 104, 109965, 2019
Structure and properties of arc evaporated nanoscale TiN/MoN multilayered systems
AD Pogrebnjak, D Eyidi, G Abadias, OV Bondar, VM Beresnev, OV Sobol
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 48, 222-228, 2015
MXenes—a new class of two-dimensional materials: structure, properties and potential applications
M Pogorielov, K Smyrnova, S Kyrylenko, O Gogotsi, V Zahorodna, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (12), 3412, 2021
Shape memory effect and superelasticity of titanium nickelide alloys implanted with high ion doses
AD Pogrebnjak, SN Bratushka, VM Beresnev, N Levintant-Zayonts
Russian Chemical Reviews 82 (12), 1135, 2013
Модификация свойств материалов и осаждение покрытий с помощью плазменных струй
АД Погребняк, ЮН Тюрин
Успехи физических наук 175 (5), 515-544, 2005
Multilayer design of CrN/MoN protective coatings for enhanced hardness and toughness
BO Postolnyi, VM Beresnev, G Abadias, OV Bondar, L Rebouta, JP Araujo, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 725, 1188-1198, 2017
The influence of nitrogen pressure on the fabrication of the two-phase superhard nanocomposite (TiZrNbAlYCr) N coatings
AD Pogrebnjak, VM Beresnev, KV Smyrnova, YO Kravchenko, ...
Materials Letters 211, 316-318, 2018
Adaptive multicomponent nanocomposite coatings in surface engineering
AD Pogrebnjak, AA Bagdasaryan, A Pshyk, K Dyadyura
Physics-Uspekhi 60 (6), 586, 2017
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Articles 1–20