Min-Rong Chen
Min-Rong Chen
School of Computer Science, South China Normal University
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Cited by
Design of fractional order PID controller for automatic regulator voltage system based on multi-objective extremal optimization
GQ Zeng, J Chen, YX Dai, LM Li, CW Zheng, MR Chen
Neurocomputing 160, 173-184, 2015
A two-layer nonlinear combination method for short-term wind speed prediction based on ELM, ENN, and LSTM
MR Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu, J Weng
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 6997-7010, 2019
Adaptive population extremal optimization-based PID neural network for multivariable nonlinear control systems
GQ Zeng, XQ Xie, MR Chen, J Weng
Swarm and evolutionary computation 44, 320-334, 2019
A novel particle swarm optimizer hybridized with extremal optimization
MR Chen, X Li, X Zhang, YZ Lu
Applied Soft Computing 10 (2), 367-373, 2010
An improved shuffled frog-leaping algorithm with extremal optimisation for continuous optimisation
X Li, J Luo, MR Chen, N Wang
Information Sciences 192, 143-151, 2012
An improved multi-objective population-based extremal optimization algorithm with polynomial mutation
GQ Zeng, J Chen, LM Li, MR Chen, L Wu, YX Dai, CW Zheng
Information Sciences 330, 49-73, 2016
An artificial bee colony algorithm for multi-objective optimisation
J Luo, Q Liu, Y Yang, X Li, M Chen, W Cao
Applied Soft Computing 50, 235-251, 2017
Constrained multi-objective population extremal optimization based economic-emission dispatch incorporating renewable energy resources
MR Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu
Renewable Energy 143, 277-294, 2019
A novel elitist multiobjective optimization algorithm: Multiobjective extremal optimization
MR Chen, YZ Lu
European Journal of Operational Research 188 (3), 637-651, 2008
CCA-secure unidirectional proxy re-encryption in the adaptive corruption model without random oracles
J Weng, M Chen, Y Yang, R Deng, K Chen, F Bao
Science China Information Sciences 53, 593-606, 2010
A novel hybrid shuffled frog leaping algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time windows
J Luo, X Li, MR Chen, H Liu
Information Sciences 316, 266-292, 2015
BDFL: A byzantine-fault-tolerance decentralized federated learning method for autonomous vehicle
JH Chen, MR Chen, GQ Zeng, JS Weng
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (9), 8639-8652, 2021
Hybrid shuffled frog leaping algorithm for energy-efficient dynamic consolidation of virtual machines in cloud data centers
J Luo, X Li, M Chen
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (13), 5804-5816, 2014
Binary-coded extremal optimization for the design of PID controllers
GQ Zeng, KD Lu, YX Dai, ZJ Zhang, MR Chen, CW Zheng, D Wu, ...
Neurocomputing 138, 180-188, 2014
Cryptanalysis of a certificateless signcryption scheme in the standard model
J Weng, G Yao, RH Deng, MR Chen, X Li
Information Sciences 181 (3), 661-667, 2011
Improved shuffled frog leaping algorithm and its multi-phase model for multi-depot vehicle routing problem
J Luo, MR Chen
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (5), 2535-2545, 2014
An adaptive fractional-order BP neural network based on extremal optimization for handwritten digits recognition
MR Chen, BP Chen, GQ Zeng, KD Lu, P Chu
Neurocomputing 391, 260-272, 2020
A novel real-coded population-based extremal optimization algorithm with polynomial mutation: A non-parametric statistical study on continuous optimization problems
LM Li, KD Lu, GQ Zeng, L Wu, MR Chen
Neurocomputing 174, 577-587, 2016
Design of multivariable PID controllers using real-coded population-based extremal optimization
GQ Zeng, J Chen, MR Chen, YX Dai, LM Li, KD Lu, CW Zheng
Neurocomputing 151, 1343-1353, 2015
Multi-phase modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm with extremal optimization for the MDVRP and the MDVRPTW
J Luo, MR Chen
Computers & Industrial Engineering 72, 84-97, 2014
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Articles 1–20