Nellie Oduor
Nellie Oduor
Scientist in Forest Products Research, Kenya Forestry Research Institute
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Cited by
Bamboo mapping of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda for the year 2016 using multi-temporal Landsat imagery
Y Zhao, D Feng, D Jayaraman, D Belay, H Sebrala, J Ngugi, E Maina, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 66 …, 2018
Strategies for sustainable wood fuel production in Kenya
JK Githiomi, N Oduor
International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2012
Fuel-wood energy properties of Prosopis juliflora and Prosopis pallida grown in Baringo District, Kenya
N Oduor, JK Githiomi
Academic Journals, 2013
Factors influencing adoption of biomass energy conservation technologies in selected areas of Kitui County, Kenya
E Kitheka, JM Kimiti, N Oduor, JW Mutinda, C Ingutia, J Githiomi
David Publishing, 2019
Sustainable tree management for charcoal production Acacia species in Kenya
NM Oduor, W Ngugi, T wa Gathui
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: African …, 2012
Sustainable biomass energy production and utilization in sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of Kenya
T Namaswa, J Githiomi, N Oduor, E Kitheka
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 14 (4), 56-67, 2022
available charcoal production technologies in Kenya
K Ngatia, M Ngatia, J Ngatia, P Ng'oriareng, O Simanto, N Oduor
UNDP, New York, 2016
Quality and emission analysis of charcoal from various species of wood using improved carbonization technologies in Kenya
N Oduor, E Kitheka, C Ingutia, N Nyamai, J Kimwemwe, K Juma
J. Environ. Sci. Eng 8 (1), 16-25, 2019
Dimensional Stability of Particle Board and Radiata Pine Wood (Pinus radiata D. Don) Treated with Different Resins
N Oduor, P Vinden, P Kho
International Journal of Applied 3 (3), 2013
Guidelines for growing Aloes
KW Mukonyi, NM Oduor
KEFRI Guideline Series, 2008
Wood Characteristics and properties of Cocos nucifera (the coconut tree) grown in Kwale District
N Oduor, J Githiomi
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), 2006
Value chain analysis and market assessment of bamboo products in Kenya
K Gauli, J Durai, N Oduor
International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation. DOI 10, 2018
wa Gathui, T. 2012
NM Oduor, W Ngugi
Sustainable tree management for charcoal production Acacia species in Kenya …, 0
Repellency and Toxicity of Selected Fractions, Identified Compounds and Blends of Commiphora africana Resin Against Bedbugs
NW Wairagu, BM Wachira, JK Githiomi, N Oduor, MM Ng’ang’a
Natural Product Communications 17 (6), 1934578X221106898, 2022
Nutrient content of bamboo shoots from selected species in Kenya
V Oriwo, N Wairagu, N Oduor, J Durai
Am J Agric For 10 (1), 14-20, 2022
Sustainable feedstock management for charcoal production in Kenya: Resources, initiatives and options
N Oduor
Practical Action, United Kingdom, 2012
Technical manual on tissue culture protocol for bamboo
JM Machua, P Kimani, S Karani, N Oduor, JW Njuguna, M Musya, ...
International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR), 2024
Tree species composition and diversity in areas of high charcoal production in Kitui County: A case in Ikutha and Mwingi sub-Counties
G Giathi, E Kitheka, S Kiama, M Sheikh, P Bala, J Githiomi, E Macharia
Proceedings of the National Conference on Sustainable Land Management, 2016
Evaluating Mukau wood: Looking at the properties of Melia volkensii, compared to mahogany, teak and mvule
N Oduor
TQML LTD, 2013
Sustainable tree management for charcoal production
N Oduor, T Gathui, N Wairimu
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Articles 1–20