Nicholas SITAR
Nicholas SITAR
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley
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Particle transport through porous media
LM McDowell‐Boyer, JR Hunt, N Sitar
Water resources research 22 (13), 1901-1921, 1986
Cemented sands under static loading
GW Clough, N Sitar, RC Bachus, NS Rad
Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division 107 (6), 799-817, 1981
Nonaqueous phase liquid transport and cleanup: 1. Analysis of mechanisms
JR Hunt, N Sitar, KS Udell
Water resources research 24 (8), 1247-1258, 1988
The 2002 Denali fault earthquake, Alaska: A large magnitude, slip-partitioned event
D Eberhart-Phillips, PJ Haeussler, JT Freymueller, AD Frankel, CM Rubin, ...
Science 300 (5622), 1113-1118, 2003
Analysis of rainfall-induced debris flows
SA Anderson, N Sitar
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 121 (7), 544-552, 1995
Topographic effects on the seismic response of steep slopes
SA Ashford, N Sitar, J Lysmer, N Deng
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 87 (3), 701-709, 1997
Hydrologic conditions leading to debris-flow initiation
KA Johnson, N Sitar
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 27 (6), 789-801, 1990
Evaluation of factors controlling earthquake-induced landslides caused by Chi-Chi earthquake and comparison with the Northridge and Loma Prieta events
B Khazai, N Sitar
Engineering geology 71 (1-2), 79-95, 2004
Wireless sensors for wildfire monitoring
DM Doolin, N Sitar
Smart structures and materials 2005: sensors and smart structures …, 2005
Seismic earth pressures on cantilever retaining structures
L Al Atik, N Sitar
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 136 (10), 1324-1333, 2010
Analysis of topographic amplification of inclined shear waves in a steep coastal bluff
SA Ashford, N Sitar
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 87 (3), 692-700, 1997
Performance of geosynthetic reinforced slopes at failure
JG Zornberg, N Sitar, JK Mitchell
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 124 (8), 670-683, 1998
Deformation characteristics of reinforced sand in direct shear
SE Shewbridge, N Sitar
Journal of geotechnical engineering 115 (8), 1134-1147, 1989
Processes of coastal bluff erosion in weakly lithified sands, Pacifica, California, USA
BD Collins, N Sitar
Geomorphology 97 (3-4), 483-501, 2008
Nonaqueous phase liquid transport and cleanup: 2. Experimental studies
JR Hunt, N Sitar, KS Udell
Water Resources Research 24 (8), 1259-1269, 1988
System reliability approach to rock slope stability
R Jimenez-Rodriguez, N Sitar, J Chacón
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43 (6), 847-859, 2006
System for sensing environmental conditions
D Doolin, S Glaser, N Sitar, J Radke
US Patent App. 11/303,458, 2006
Limit equilibrium as basis for design of geosynthetic reinforced slopes
JG Zornberg, N Sitar, JK Mitchell
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 124 (8), 684-698, 1998
Influence of kinematics on landslide mobility and failure mode
N Sitar, MM MacLaughlin, DM Doolin
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 131 (6), 716-728, 2005
First‐order reliability approach to stochastic analysis of subsurface flow and contaminant transport
N Sitar, JD Cawlfield, A Der Kiureghian
Water Resources Research 23 (5), 794-804, 1987
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Articles 1–20