Juliana D. Adema
Juliana D. Adema
Graduate student, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Cited by
Identifying the neural dynamics of category decisions with computational model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging
EM Heffernan, JD Adema, ML Mack
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28 (5), 1638-1647, 2021
Identifying the neural dynamics of category decisions with computational model-based fMRI
J Adema, E Heffernan, ML Mack
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 42, 2020
Exploring the gist-based modulation of learning rate in visual search
JD Adema, S Tang, ML Mack
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2829-2829, 2021
Leveraging rapid scene perception in attentional learning
JD Adema, S Tang, N Alizadeh Saghati, ML Mack
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 43 (43), 2021
Identifying the neural dynamics of category decisions with computational model-based fMRI
E Heffernan, JD Adema, ML Mack
OSF, 2020
Modelling Guided Attention Using Learned Target-Category Associations
JD Adema
University of Toronto (Canada), 2020
Manuscript type: Brief report
EM Heffernan, JD Adema, ML Mack
The Presence of Gist Modulates the Rate of Learning in Visual Search
JD Adema, ML Mack
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