Ariel M. Cohen-Goldberg
Ariel M. Cohen-Goldberg
Associate Processor of Psychology, Tufts University
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Cited by
ASL-LEX: A lexical database of American Sign Language
NK Caselli, ZS Sehyr, AM Cohen-Goldberg, K Emmorey
Behavior research methods 49, 784-801, 2017
Language and space: Momentary interactions.
B Landau, B Dessalegn, AM Goldberg
CogSci, 2011
The ASL-LEX 2.0 Project: A database of lexical and phonological properties for 2,723 signs in American Sign Language
ZS Sehyr, N Caselli, AM Cohen-Goldberg, K Emmorey
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 26 (2), 263-277, 2021
Sounding Black or White: Priming identity and biracial speech
SE Gaither, AM Cohen-Goldberg, CL Gidney, KB Maddox
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 457, 2015
Inflected words in production: Evidence for a morphologically rich lexicon
NK Caselli, MK Caselli, AM Cohen-Goldberg
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3), 432-454, 2016
Can we hear morphological complexity before words are complex?
LJ Blazej, AM Cohen-Goldberg
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (1), 50, 2015
Lexical access in sign language: A computational model
NK Caselli, AM Cohen-Goldberg
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 428, 2014
The signed mental lexicon: Effects of phonological neighborhood density, iconicity, and childhood language experience
NK Caselli, K Emmorey, AM Cohen-Goldberg
Journal of Memory and Language 121, 104282, 2021
Phonological competition within the word: Evidence from the phoneme similarity effect in spoken production
AM Cohen-Goldberg
Journal of Memory and Language 67 (1), 184–198, 2012
The interface between morphology and phonology: Exploring a morpho-phonological deficit in spoken production
AM Cohen-Goldberg, J Cholin, M Miozzo, B Rapp
Cognition 127 (2), 270-286, 2013
Is compound chaining the serial-order mechanism of spelling? A simple recurrent network investigation
AM Goldberg, B Rapp
Cognitive Neuropsychology 25 (2), 218-255, 2008
Towards a theory of multimorphemic word production: The heterogeneity of processing hypothesis
AM Cohen-Goldberg
Language and Cognitive Processes, 2013
Abstract and Lexically Specific Information in Sound Patterns: Evidence from /r/-sandhi in Rhotic and Non-rhotic Varieties of English
AM Cohen-Goldberg
Language and Speech, 2015
Multicolored words: Uncovering the relationship between reading mechanisms and synesthesia
LJ Blazej, AM Cohen-Goldberg
Cortex 75, 160-179, 2016
The emergence of phonological structure in central taurus sign language
N Caselli, R Ergin, R Jackendoff, A Cohen-Goldberg
From​ Sound to Gesture.​ Padua, Italy, 2014
Informative differences: An argument for a comparative approach to written, spoken, and signed language research
AM Cohen-Goldberg
Research on writing: multiple perspectives, 457-476, 2017
Gradient well-formedness across the morpheme boundary
AM Goldberg
The Johns Hopkins University, 2010
Grammatical Approaches to Written and Graphical Communication
C Wilson, N Cohn, J Myers, S Goldberg, A Cohen-Goldberg
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 34 (34), 2012
Lexical access in sign perception: A computational model
NK Caselli, AM Cohen-Goldberg
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Articles 1–19