Risto Lehtonen
Risto Lehtonen
Professor of Statistics, University of Helsinki
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Practical methods for design and analysis of complex surveys
R Lehtonen, E Pahkinen
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Outpatient use of erythromycin: link to increased erythromycin resistance in group A streptococci
H Seppälä, T Klaukka, R Lehtonen, E Nenonen, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 21 (6), 1378-1385, 1995
Logistic generalized regression estimators
R Lehtonen, A Veijanen
Survey Methodology 24, 51-56, 1998
The effect of model choice in estimation for domains, including small domains.
R Lehtonen, CE Särndal, A Veijanen
Survey methodology: a journal of Statistics Canada 29 (1), 33-44, 2003
Design-based methods of estimation for domains and small areas
R Lehtonen, A Veijanen
Handbook of statistics 29, 219-249, 2009
Systematic handling of missing data in complex study designs–experiences from the Health 2000 and 2011 Surveys
T Härkänen, J Karvanen, H Tolonen, R Lehtonen, K Djerf, T Juntunen, ...
Journal of Applied Statistics 43 (15), 2772-2790, 2016
Otanta-asetelmat ja tilastollinen analyysi
E Pahkinen, R Lehtonen
Gaudeamus, 1989
Does the model matter? Comparing model-assisted and model-dependent estimators of class frequencies for domains
R Lehtonen, CE Särndal, A Veijanen
Statistics in Transition 7 (3), 649-673, 2005
Ant predation and the cost of egg carrying in the golden egg bug: experiments in the field
A Kaitala, X Espadaler, R Lehtonen
Oikos 89 (2), 254-258, 2000
Health and the use of health services in Finland
S Arinen, U Häkkinen, T Klaukka, J Klavus, R Lehtonen, S Aro
Main findings of the Finnish health care survey 96, 5, 1995
An overview of methods for treating selectivity in big data sources
M Beręsewicz, R Lehtonen, F Reis, L Di Consiglio, M Karlberg
Eurostat: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018
Population sampling in longitudinal suverys
H Goldstein, P Lynn, G Muniz-Terrera, R Hardy, C O’Muircheartaigh, ...
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 6 (4), 447-475, 2015
‘Interviewer Attitudes and Unit Nonresponse in Two Different Interviewing Schemes
R Lehtonen
lililí w 25, 130, 1995
Small Area Poverty Estimation by Model Calibration
R Lehtonen, A Veijanen
Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 66, 125-134, 2012
Sampling design
J Laiho, K Djerf, R Lehtonen
Methodology report, Health, 13-15, 2000
Erythromycin resistance of group A streptococci from throat samples is related to age
H SEPPÄLÄ, T Klaukka, R Lehtonen, E Nenonen, P Huovinen
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 16 (7), 651-656, 1997
Modelling complex health survey data: a case study
R Lehtonen, K Djerf, T Härkänen, J Laiho
Statistics, econometrics and society: Essays in honour of Leif Nordberg, 91-114, 2003
A linear mixed model with temporal covariance structures in modelling catch per unit effort of Baltic herring
S Mikkonen, M Rahikainen, J Virtanen, R Lehtonen, S Kuikka, A Ahvonen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65 (9), 1645-1654, 2008
Domain estimation with logistic generalized regression and related estimators
R Lehtonen, A Veijanen
Proceedings, IASS Satellite Conference on Small Area Estimation, 121-128, 1999
Design-based methods of estimation for domains and small areas. Chapter 31 in Rao CR and Pfeffermann D.(Eds.). Handbook of Statistics. Sample Surveys: Inference and Analysis …
R Lehtonen, A Veijanen
New York: Elsevier, 2009
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Articles 1–20