Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus
Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus
Professor, Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Recovery of cenospheres from coal fly ash using a dry separation process: Separation estimation and potential application
T Hirajima, H Petrus, Y Oosako, M Nonaka, K Sasaki, T Ando
International Journal of Mineral Processing 95 (1-4), 18-24, 2010
Studi laju umpan pada proses biokonversi limbah pengolahan tuna menggunakan larva Hermetia illucens
AR Hakim, A Prasetya, HTBM Petrus
Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan 12 (2), 179-192, 2017
Enzymatic cleaning of ultrafiltration membranes fouled by protein mixture solutions
HB Petrus, H Li, V Chen, N Norazman
Journal of Membrane Science 325 (2), 783-792, 2008
Performance of dry-separation processes in the recovery of cenospheres from fly ash and their implementation in a recovery unit
H Petrus, T Hirajima, Y Oosako, M Nonaka, K Sasaki, T Ando
International Journal of Mineral Processing 98 (1-2), 15-23, 2011
Reaction kinetics modeling for lithium and cobalt recovery from spent lithium-ion batteries using acetic acid
H Setiawan, HTBM Petrus, I Perdana
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 26, 98-107, 2019
Kinetics of silica precipitation in geothermal brine with seeds addition: minimizing silica scaling in a cold re-injection system
FA Setiawan, E Rahayuningsih, HTBM Petrus, MI Nurpratama, I Perdana
Geothermal Energy 7 (1), 22, 2019
Characteristic of Hg removal using zeolite adsorption and Echinodorus palaefolius phytoremediation in subsurface flow constructed wetland (SSF-CW) model
A Prasetya, P Prihutami, AD Warisaura, M Fahrurrozi, HTBM Petrus
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (3), 103781, 2020
Cleaning strategies for membrane fouled with protein mixtures
V Chen, H Li, D Li, S Tan, HB Petrus
Desalination 200 (1-3), 198-200, 2006
Kinetics on roasting reduction of limonitic laterite ore using coconut-charcoal and anthracite reductants
HTBM Petrus, ADP Putera, E Sugiarto, I Perdana, IW Warmada, ...
Minerals Engineering 132, 126-133, 2019
A novel method: Nickel and cobalt extraction from citric acid leaching solution of nickel laterite ores using oxalate precipitation
W Astuti, F Nurjaman, FR Mufakhir, S Sumardi, D Avista, KC Wanta, ...
Minerals Engineering 191, 107982, 2023
Preparation of silica nanoparticles from geothermal sludge via sol-gel method
SN Jenie, A Ghaisani, YP Ningrum, A Kristiani, F Aulia, HTMB Petrus
AIP Conference Proceedings 2026 (1), 2018
Lithium recovery of spent lithium-ion battery using bioleaching from local sources microorganism
M Hartono, MA Astrayudha, H Petrus, W Budhijanto, H Sulistyo
Rasayan J. Chem 10 (3), 897-903, 2017
Evaluation of shrinking core model in leaching process of Pomalaa nickel laterite using citric acid as leachant at atmospheric conditions
KC Wanta, I Perdana, HTBM Petrus
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 162 (1), 012018, 2016
Kinetic study in atmospheric pressure organic acid leaching: Shrinking core model versus lump model
KC Wanta, W Astuti, I Perdana, HTBM Petrus
Minerals 10 (7), 613, 2020
Effects of sodium thiosulphate on chalcopyrite and tennantite: An insight for alternative separation technique
HTBM Petrus, T Hirajima, K Sasaki, H Okamoto
International Journal of Mineral Processing 102, 116-123, 2012
Sulfuric Acid Leaching of Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREEs) from Indonesian Zircon Tailing
I Trisnawati, G Prameswara, P Mulyono, A Prasetya, HTBM Petrus
International Journal of Technology, 2020
Cenospheres characterization from Indonesian coal-fired power plant fly ash and their potential utilization
HTBM Petrus, M Olvianas, W Suprapta, FA Setiawan, A Prasetya, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (5), 104116, 2020
Studi kinetika proses atmospheric pressure acid leaching bijih laterit limonit menggunakan larutan asam nitrat konsentrasi rendah
KC Wanta, FH Tanujaya, RF Susanti, HTBM Petrus, I Perdana, W Astuti
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses 12 (2), 19-26, 2018
Leaching behaviour and kinetic of light and heavy rare earth elements (REE) from zircon tailings in Indonesia
G Prameswara, I Trisnawati, P Mulyono, A Prasetya, HTBM Petrus
Jom 73 (4), 988-998, 2021
Characterization and mode of occurrence of rare earth elements and yttrium in fly and bottom ash from coal-fired power plants in Java, Indonesia
DAA Besari, F Anggara, W Rosita, HTBM Petrus
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 9 (1), 20, 2022
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Articles 1–20