Thomas "Tom" Ledermann
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Cited by
Assessing mediation in dyadic data using the actor-partner interdependence model
T Ledermann, S Macho, DA Kenny
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 18 (4), 595-612, 2011
Detecting, measuring, and testing dyadic patterns in the actor–partner interdependence model.
DA Kenny, T Ledermann
Journal of family psychology 24 (3), 359, 2010
Stress, sex, and satisfaction in marriage
G Bodenmann, T Ledermann, TN Bradbury
Personal relationships 14 (4), 551-569, 2007
Estimating, testing, and comparing specific effects in structural equation models: the phantom model approach.
S Macho, T Ledermann
Psychological methods 16 (1), 34, 2011
Stress, communication, and marital quality in couples
T Ledermann, G Bodenmann, M Rudaz, TN Bradbury
Family Relations 59 (2), 195-206, 2010
Variability of sleep duration is related to subjective sleep quality and subjective well-being: an actigraphy study
S Lemola, T Ledermann, EM Friedman
PloS one 8 (8), e71292, 2013
The efficacy of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program in improving parenting and child behavior: a comparison with two other treatment conditions
G Bodenmann, A Cina, T Ledermann, MR Sanders
Behaviour research and therapy 46 (4), 411-427, 2008
Moderation in the actor–partner interdependence model
RL Garcia, DA Kenny, T Ledermann
Personal Relationships 22 (1), 8-29, 2015
Stress, anger, and verbal aggression in intimate relationships: Moderating effects of individual and dyadic coping
G Bodenmann, N Meuwly, TN Bradbury, S Gmelch, T Ledermann
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 27 (3), 408-424, 2010
Associations among everyday stress, critical life events, and sexual problems
G Bodenmann, T Ledermann, D Blattner, C Galluzzo
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 194 (7), 494-501, 2006
The common fate model for dyadic data: variations of a theoretically important but underutilized model.
T Ledermann, DA Kenny
Journal of Family Psychology 26 (1), 140, 2012
Analyzing dyadic data with multilevel modeling versus structural equation modeling: A tale of two methods.
T Ledermann, DA Kenny
Journal of Family Psychology 31 (4), 442, 2017
Psychometrics of the dyadic coping inventory in three language groups
T Ledermann, G Bodenmann, S Gagliardi, L Charvoz, S Verardi, ...
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 2010
Adding acceptance and commitment therapy to exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial
MP Twohig, JS Abramowitz, BM Smith, LE Fabricant, RJ Jacoby, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 108, 1-9, 2018
Mediation in dyadic data at the level of the dyads: a Structural Equation Modeling approach.
T Ledermann, S Macho
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (5), 661, 2009
Moderator-und Mediatoreffekte bei dyadischen Daten
T Ledermann, G Bodenmann
Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 37 (1), 27-40, 2006
The efficacy of the couples coping enhancement training (CCET) in improving relationship quality
T Ledermann, G Bodenmann, A Cina
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 26 (8), 940-959, 2007
Dyadisches coping inventar (DCI): ein fragebogen zur erfassung des partnerschaftlichen umgangs mit stress
S Gmelch, G Bodenmann, N Meuwly, T Ledermann, O Steffen-Sozinova, ...
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 20 (2), 185-203, 2008
Concurrent and longitudinal dyadic polynomial regression analyses of Big Five traits and relationship satisfaction: Does similarity matter?
R Weidmann, FD Schönbrodt, T Ledermann, A Grob
Journal of Research in Personality 70, 6-15, 2017
The interdependence of personality and satisfaction in couples
R Weidmann, T Ledermann, A Grob
European Psychologist, 2017
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Articles 1–20