Vineet Mukesh Haswani
Vineet Mukesh Haswani
Data Scientist, Cron Labs Pvt. Ltd.
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Cited by
Eff-UNet++: A novel architecture for plant leaf segmentation and counting
S Bhagat, M Kokare, V Haswani, P Hambarde, R Kamble
Ecological Informatics 68, 101583, 2022
WheatNet-lite: A novel light weight network for wheat head detection
S Bhagat, M Kokare, V Haswani, P Hambarde, R Kamble
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Advancing real-time plant disease detection: A lightweight deep learning approach and novel dataset for pigeon pea crop
S Bhagat, M Kokare, V Haswani, P Hambarde, T Taori, PH Ghante, ...
Smart Agricultural Technology 7, 100408, 2024
MS-Net: A CNN Architecture for Agriculture Pattern Segmentation in Aerial Images
S Bhagat, M Kokare, V Haswani, P Hambarde, R Kamble
International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, 489-500, 2021
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision
S Bhagat, M Kokare, V Haswani, P Hambarde, R Kamble
WheatNet-lite: A novel light weight network for wheat head detection
R Kamble, S Bhagat, M Kokare, P Hambarde, V Haswani
Eff-UNet++: A novel architecture for plant leaf segmentation and counting
R Kamble, S Bhagat, M Kokare, P Hambarde, V Haswani
Smart Agricultural Technology
S Bhagat, M Kokare, V Haswani, P Hambarde, T Taori, PH Ghante, ...
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Articles 1–8