Jacob F. N. Dethan
Jacob F. N. Dethan
Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
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Cited by
Mechanical and thermal properties of carbon nanotubes and boron nitride nanotubes for fuel cells and hydrogen storage applications: A comparative review of molecular dynamics …
JFN Dethan, V Swamy
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (59), 24916-24944, 2022
Nanomechanics and modelling of hydrogen stored carbon nanotubes under compression for PEM fuel cell applications
V Vijayaraghavan, JFN Dethan, A Garg
Computational Materials Science 146, 176-183, 2018
Tensile loading characteristics of hydrogen stored carbon nanotubes in PEM fuel cell operating conditions using molecular dynamics simulation
V Vijayaraghavan, JFN Dethan, A Garg
Molecular Simulation 44 (9), 736-742, 2018
Torsional mechanics of single walled carbon nanotubes with hydrogen for energy storage and fuel cell applications
V Vijayaraghavan, JFN Dethan, G Liang
SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 62 (3), 034611, 2019
Tensile properties of hydrogenated hybrid graphene–hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets: a reactive force field study
JFN Dethan, V Swamy
Molecular Simulation 46 (15), 1220-1229, 2020
Deformation behaviors of hydrogen filled boron nitride and boron nitride-carbon nanotubes: Molecular dynamics simulations of proposed materials for hydrogen storage, gas …
JFN Dethan, N Ramakrishnan, MA Rhamdhani, MI Pownceby, V Swamy
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 57, 746-758, 2024
Thermal conductivities of hydrogen encapsulated boron nitride and hybrid boron nitride–carbon nanotubes using molecular dynamics simulations
JFN Dethan, J Yeo, MA Rhamdhani, V Swamy
Materials Today Communications 32, 103947, 2022
Analisis dampak pelatihan microcontroller berbasis arduino di SMA Perguruan Buddhi
JFN Dethan, B Daniawan, R Rino, S Hariyanto, A Wijaya, R Safitri, ...
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 (3), 237, 2020
Mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of newly introduced graphene-like borophanes: a reactive molecular dynamics study
JFN Dethan
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (31), 17009-17017, 2021
Implementasi Internet of Things (IoT) dalam Pelatihan Siswa Multimedia SMK Setia Bhakti
J Akbar, JFN Dethan, R Arijanto, B Daniawan, A Leo
Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya: Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian …, 2024
Thermal conductivity of hydrogenated h-BN nanosheets: A reactive force field study
JFN Dethan
Soft Materials 21 (3), 271-279, 2023
Design Training Kit STM32F1 ARM Cortex on Microprocessor and Microcontroller System
J Akbar, A Suyitno, JFN Dethan
JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia 5 (1), 127-137, 2024
Mechanical and thermal properties of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes for hydrogen storage application: a molecular dynamics study
Monash University, 2020
Mathematical modelling of the nickel iron battery
JFN Dethan
University of Southern Queensland, 2016
Peningkatan Minat Pelajar untuk Mempelajari Sistem Otomasi Berbasis Arduino
JFN Dethan, RD Safitri, D Lasut, SS Mendrofa, MR Pratama, ...
Abdi Dharma 2 (2), 121-124, 2022
Nanoteknologi untuk Aplikasi Teknik Tenaga Listrik
JFN Dethan
13 Langkah Efektif Menembus Jurnal Scopus dan WoS Q1
JFN Dethan
Sifat mekanik h-BN nanosheet untuk aplikasi nano-diodes dan nano-transistors
JFN Dethan
Akselerator: Jurnal Sains Terapan dan Teknologi 1 (1), 11-16, 2020
Perbandingan e-learning berbasis Moodle di Indonesia dan negara-negara tetangga
JFN Dethan
Pembelajaran E-Learning di Masa Pandemi COVID-19, 2020
Enhanced active filter for single-phase controlled rectifier applications
J Dethan, A Abidin, B Daniawan, R Rino
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems) 10 (2), 2020
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Articles 1–20