Hassan Sleiman
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on region extractors from web documents
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (9), 1960-1981, 2012
Trinity: On using Trinary Trees for Unsupervised Web Data Extraction
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 26, 2014
Tex: An efficient and effective unsupervised web information extractor
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
Knowledge-Based Systems 39, 109-123, 2013
Ontology-based demand-side flexibility management in smart grids using a multi-agent system
JL Hippolyte, S Howell, B Yuce, M Mourshed, HA Sleiman, M Vinyals, ...
2016 IEEE international smart cities conference (ISC2), 1-7, 2016
A class of neural-network-based transducers for web information extraction
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
Neurocomputing 135, 61-68, 2014
An Assisted Workflow for the Early Design of Nearly Zero Emission Healthcare Buildings
HA Sleiman, S Hempel, R Traversari, S Bruinenberg
Energies 10 (7), 2017
ARIEX: Automated ranking of information extractors
P Jimenez, R Corchuelo, HA Sleiman
Knowledge-Based Systems 93, 84-108, 2016
Integrating deep-web information sources
IF de Viana, I Hernandez, P Jiménez, CR Rivero, HA Sleiman
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: 8th …, 2010
An unsupervised technique to extract information from semi-structured web pages
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2012: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Advances in a DSL for Application Integration
RZ Frantz, R Corchuelo Gil, J González
JISBD 2008: XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (ZOCO …, 2008
Towards automatic code generation for EAI solutions using DSL tools
HA Sleiman, AW Sultán, R Zancan Frantz, R Corchuelo Gil
JISBD 2009: XIV Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (2009 …, 2009
A reference architecture to devise web information extractors
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2012 International …, 2012
A conceptual framework for efficient web crawling in virtual integration contexts
I Hernández, HA Sleiman, D Ruiz, R Corchuelo
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining, 282-291, 2011
Interoperable tools for designing energy-efficient buildings in healthcare districts
S Benner, J., Häfele, K. H., Bonsma, P., Bourdeau, M., Soubra, S., Sleiman ...
ECPPM, 915-922, 2014
Towards a method for unsupervised web information extraction
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
International Conference on Web Engineering, 427-430, 2012
Information extraction framework
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: 10th …, 2012
D2. 2-mas2tering platform design document
M Sisinni, H Sleiman, M Vinyals, Y Oualmakran, Y Pankow, I Grimaldi, ...
MAS2TERING public reports, 2016
A multi-agent system architecture for microgrid management
S Garcia-Rodriguez, HA Sleiman, VQA Nguyen
International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2016
An architecture for web information agents
HA Sleiman, R Corchuelo
2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2011
An experiment on using datamining techniques to extract information from the web
G Fernández, HA Sleiman
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: 9th …, 2011
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Articles 1–20