Anabela Isidro
Anabela Isidro
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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Structural framework for DNA translocation via the viral portal protein
AA Lebedev, MH Krause, AL Isidro, AA Vagin, EV Orlova, J Turner, ...
The EMBO journal 26 (7), 1984-1994, 2007
Herpesvirus capsid association with the nuclear pore complex and viral DNA release involve the nucleoporin CAN/Nup214 and the capsid protein pUL25
D Pasdeloup, D Blondel, AL Isidro, FJ Rixon
Journal of virology 83 (13), 6610-6623, 2009
The coat morphogenetic protein SpoVID is necessary for spore encasement in Bacillus subtilis
KH Wang, AL Isidro, L Domingues, HA Eskandarian, PT McKenney, ...
Molecular microbiology 74 (3), 634-649, 2009
The portal protein plays essential roles at different steps of the SPP1 DNA packaging process
A Isidro, AO Henriques, P Tavares
Virology 322 (2), 253-263, 2004
The high‐resolution functional map of bacteriophage SPP1 portal protein
A Isidro, MA Santos, AO Henriques, P Tavares
Molecular microbiology 51 (4), 949-962, 2004
Interaction between coat morphogenetic proteins SafA and SpoVID
T Costa, AL Isidro, CP Moran Jr, AO Henriques
Journal of bacteriology 188 (22), 7731-7741, 2006
Structural and functional characterization of an ancient bacterial transglutaminase sheds light on the minimal requirements for protein cross-linking
CG Fernandes, D Placido, D Lousa, JA Brito, A Isidro, CM Soares, J Pohl, ...
Biochemistry 54 (37), 5723-5734, 2015
Gene organization in a central DNA fragment of Oenococcus oeni bacteriophage fOg44 encoding lytic, integrative and non-essential functions
R Parreira, C São-José, A Isidro, S Domingues, G Vieira, MA Santos
Gene 226 (1), 83-93, 1999
Auto-induction and purification of a Bacillus subtilis transglutaminase (Tgl) and its preliminary crystallographic characterization
D Plácido, CG Fernandes, A Isidro, MA Carrondo, AO Henriques, ...
Protein expression and purification 59 (1), 1-8, 2008
A LysM Domain Intervenes in Sequential Protein-Protein and Protein-Peptidoglycan Interactions Important for Spore Coat Assembly in Bacillus subtilis
FC Pereira, F Nunes, F Cruz, C Fernandes, AL Isidro, D Lousa, ...
Journal of Bacteriology 201 (4), 10.1128/jb. 00642-18, 2019
Specific targeting of a DNA‐binding protein to the SPP1 procapsid by interaction with the portal oligomer
AC Stiege, A Isidro, A Dröge, P Tavares
Molecular microbiology 49 (5), 1201-1212, 2003
Analysis of the SPP1 portal protein function during prohead assembly and DNA packaging: a bridge between function and structure
AL Isidro, P Tavares, AJA de Oliveira Henriques, ...
713 Grabowski P, Chua MH, Barry SN, Guan M, Bonneau R, Henriques AO, Eichenberger 714 P. 2009. The coat morphogenetic protein SpoVID is necessary for spore encasement in 715 …
KH Wang, AL Isidro, L Domingues, HA Eskandarian, PT McKenney, ...
Mol Microbiol 74, 634-49, 0
Function and structure of the portal protein during bacteriophage SPP1 assembly
A Isidro, L Oliveira, EV Orlova, M Krause, A Lebedev, AA Antson, ...
The bacteriophage SPP1 portal protein plays different roles during DNA packaging
L Oliveira, A Isidro, AO Henriques, A Camacho, JC Alonso, AA Antson, ...
Incorporation of the portal protein in the SPP1 procapsid
E Siew Lay Poh, A Isidro, S Brasilès, AA Antson, P Tavares
Mécanisme moléculaire d’encapsidation du génome dans un virus à ADN double-brin
L Oliveira, A Isidro, AO Henriques, A Camacho, JC Alonso, AA Antson, ...
7e Journées Francophones de la Société Française de Virologie, Inconnu, 2005
The bacteriophage SPP1 DNA packaging machine
L Oliveira, A Isidro, AO Henriques, JC Alonso, AA Antson, P Tavares
3 Portuguese-Spanish Biophysics Congress, Inconnu, 2004
The portal protein plays essential roles during packaging of bacteriophage SPP1 DNA
L Oliveira, A Isidro, AO Henriques, JC Alonso, AA Antson, P Tavares
EMBO Fellows Meeting, EMBL, Inconnu, 2004
Fonction de la protéine portale dans l’encapsidation de l’ADN du bactériophage SPP1
L Oliveira, A Isidro, AO Henriques, P Tavares
5e Journées Francophones de Virologie, Inconnu, 2003
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Articles 1–20