Alexander Zipf
Alexander Zipf
Heidelberg University, Chair of GIScience, HeiGIT Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology
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Cited by
The street network evolution of crowdsourced maps: OpenStreetMap in Germany 2007–2011
P Neis, D Zielstra, A Zipf
Future Internet 4 (1), 1-21, 2011
Quality assessment for building footprints data on OpenStreetMap
H Fan, A Zipf, Q Fu, P Neis
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (4), 700-719, 2014
Crumpet: Creation of user-friendly mobile services personalised for tourism
S Poslad, H Laamanen, R Malaka, A Nick, P Buckle, A Zipl
IET Digital Library, 2001
A geographic approach for combining social media and authoritative data towards identifying useful information for disaster management
JP De Albuquerque, B Herfort, A Brenning, A Zipf
International journal of geographical information science 29 (4), 667-689, 2015
A comprehensive framework for intrinsic OpenStreetMap quality analysis
C Barron, P Neis, A Zipf
Transactions in GIS 18 (6), 877-895, 2014
A comparative study of proprietary geodata and volunteered geographic information for Germany
D Zielstra, A Zipf
13th AGILE international conference on geographic information science 2010, 1-15, 2010
Analyzing the contributor activity of a volunteered geographic information project—The case of OpenStreetMap
P Neis, A Zipf
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 1 (2), 146-165, 2012
Cross-city matters: A multimodal remote sensing benchmark dataset for cross-city semantic segmentation using high-resolution domain adaptation networks
D Hong, B Zhang, H Li, Y Li, J Yao, C Li, M Werner, J Chanussot, A Zipf, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 299, 113856, 2023
Deep Map: Challenging IT research in the framework of a tourist information system
R Malaka, A Zipf
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2000: Proceedings of …, 2000
User-adaptive maps for location-based services (LBS) for tourism
A Zipf
Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. for Information and Communication Technologies …, 2002
Generating web-based 3D City Models from OpenStreetMap: The current situation in Germany
M Over, A Schilling, S Neubauer, A Zipf
Computers, Environment and urban systems 34 (6), 496-507, 2010
Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest
M Bakillah, S Liang, A Mobasheri, J Jokar Arsanjani, A Zipf
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (9), 1940-1963, 2014
Intelligent systems for tourism
S Staab, H Werthner, F Ricci, A Zipf, U Gretzel, DR Fesenmaier, C Paris, ...
IEEE intelligent systems 17 (6), 53-66, 2002
Neural correlates of individual differences in affective benefit of real-life urban green space exposure
H Tost, M Reichert, U Braun, I Reinhard, R Peters, S Lautenbach, A Hoell, ...
Nature neuroscience 22 (9), 1389-1393, 2019
An advanced systematic literature review on spatiotemporal analyses of t witter data
E Steiger, JP De Albuquerque, A Zipf
Transactions in GIS 19 (6), 809-834, 2015
Map-based mobile services
L Meng, T Reichenbacher
Map-based mobile services: Theories, methods and implementations, 1-10, 2005
Twitter as an indicator for whereabouts of people? Correlating Twitter with UK census data
E Steiger, R Westerholt, B Resch, A Zipf
Computers, environment and urban systems 54, 255-265, 2015
Comparison of volunteered geographic information data contributions and community development for selected world regions
P Neis, D Zielstra, A Zipf
Future internet 5 (2), 282-300, 2013
Location-based mobile tourist services: first user experiences
B Schmidt-Belz, H Laamanen, S Poslad, A Zipf
ENTER 2003, 10th, 2003
Quality assessment of the contributed land use information from OpenStreetMap versus authoritative datasets
J Jokar Arsanjani, P Mooney, A Zipf, A Schauss
OpenStreetMap in GIScience: experiences, research, and applications, 37-58, 2015
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Articles 1–20