Mehdi Poursha
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Cited by
A consecutive modal pushover procedure for estimating the seismic demands of tall buildings
M Poursha, F Khoshnoudian, AS Moghadam
Engineering structures 31 (2), 591-599, 2009
A consecutive modal pushover procedure for nonlinear static analysis of one-way unsymmetric-plan tall building structures
M Poursha, F Khoshnoudian, AS Moghadam
Engineering Structures 33 (9), 2417-2434, 2011
The extended consecutive modal pushover procedure for estimating the seismic demands of two-way unsymmetric-plan tall buildings under influence of two horizontal components of …
M Poursha, F Khoshnoudian, AS Moghadam
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 63, 162-173, 2014
A non-adaptive displacement-based pushover procedure for the nonlinear static analysis of tall building frames
MA Amini, M Poursha
Engineering Structures 126, 586-597, 2016
A single-run multi-mode pushover analysis to account for the effect of higher modes in estimating the seismic demands of tall buildings
M Poursha, MA Amini
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13, 2347-2365, 2015
Responses of three dimensional buildings under bi-directional and unidirectional seismic excitations
F Khoshnoudian, M Poursha
Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering, 1-6, 2004
Adaptive force-based multimode pushover analysis for seismic evaluation of midrise buildings
MA Amini, M Poursha
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (8), 04018093, 2018
Seismic evaluation of vertically irregular building frames with stiffness, strength, combined-stiffness-and-strength and mass irregularities
ME Nezhad, M Poursha
Earthquakes Struct 9 (2), 353-373, 2015
The modified and extended upper-bound (UB) pushover method for the multi-mode pushover analysis of unsymmetric-plan tall buildings
M Poursha, ET Samarin
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 71, 114-127, 2015
Applicability of the N2, extended N2 and modal pushover analysis methods for the seismic evaluation of base-isolated building frames with lead rubber bearings (LRBs)
HN Faal, M Poursha
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 98, 84-100, 2017
Seismic evaluation of geometrically irregular steel moment resisting frames with setbacks considering their dynamic characteristics
Z Bohlouli, M Poursha
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14 (10), 2757-2777, 2016
Assessment of modal pushover analysis and conventional nonlinear static procedure with load distributions of federal emergency management agency for high‐rise buildings
M Poursha, F Khoshnoudian, AS Moghadam
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 19 (3), 291-308, 2010
Seismic performance evaluation of code-compliant rc moment-resisting frame buildings subjected to near-fault pulse-like and non-pulse-like ground motions
A Daei, M Poursha, M Zarrin
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 26 (10), 5058-5085, 2022
On the accuracy of enhanced pushover procedures for seismic performance evaluation of code-conforming RC moment-resisting frame buildings subjected to pulse-like and non-pulse …
A Daei, M Poursha
Structures 32, 929-945, 2021
A multi-mode N2 (MN2) pushover procedure for ductility level seismic performance evaluation of jacket type offshore platforms
M Zarrin, ARM Gharabaghi, M Poursha
Ocean Engineering 220, 108440, 2021
An updated consecutive modal pushover (UCMP) procedure for estimating the ductility level earthquake design demands of jacket offshore platforms
M Zarrin, M Poursha, ARM Gharabaghi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 145, 106680, 2021
A breakthrough in estimating the seismic demands of tall buildings
M Poursha, F Khoshnoudian, AS Moghadam
Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008
Assessment of conventional nonlinear static procedures with FEMA load distributions and modal pushover analysis for high-rise buildings
International Journal of Civil Engineering 6 (2), 142-157, 2008
Seismic evaluation of vertically irregular RC frames subjected to mainshock-aftershock sequences of near-fault and far-fault ground motions
H Kosarzadeh, M Poursha
Structures 49, 1130-1156, 2023
An investigation of seismic parameters of low yield strength steel plate shear walls
N Soltani, K Abedi, M Poursha, H Golabi
Earthquakes and Structures 12 (6), 713-723, 2017
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Articles 1–20