Wen Wu
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Cited by
A mathematical framework for estimating risk of airborne transmission of COVID-19 with application to face mask use and social distancing
R Mittal, C Meneveau, W Wu
Physics of Fluids 32 (10), 2020
Effects of surface roughness on a separating turbulent boundary layer
W Wu, U Piomelli
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 841, 552-580, 2018
Spatio-temporal dynamics of turbulent separation bubbles
W Wu, C Meneveau, R Mittal
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 883, A45, 2020
Large-eddy simulation of impinging jets with embedded azimuthal vortices
W Wu, U Piomelli
Journal of turbulence 16 (1), 44-66, 2015
Particle resuspension by a periodically forced impinging jet
W Wu, G Soligo, C Marchioli, A Soldati, U Piomelli
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 820, 284-311, 2017
Turbulence statistics in rotating channel flows with rough walls
W Wu, U Piomelli, J Yuan
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 80, 108467, 2019
Large-eddy simulation of impinging jets on smooth and rough surfaces
W Wu, R Banyassady, U Piomelli
Journal of Turbulence 17 (9), 847-869, 2016
Reynolds-averaged and wall-modelled large-eddy simulations of impinging jets with embedded azimuthal vortices
W Wu, U Piomelli
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 55, 348-359, 2016
Calculation Method of Lateral and Vertical Diffusion Coefficients in Wide Straight Rivers and Reservoirs.
Z Wu, W Wu, G Wu
J. Comput. 6 (6), 1102-1109, 2011
Response of a Laminar Separation Bubble to Zero-Net Mass Flux Actuation
W Wu, JH Seo, C Meneveau, R Mittal
2018 Flow Control Conference, 4018, 2018
Response of a turbulent separation bubble to zero-net-mass-flux jet perturbations
W Wu, C Meneveau, R Mittal, A Padovan, CW Rowley, L Cattafesta
Physical Review Fluids 7 (8), 084601, 2022
Theoretical analysis of pollutant mixing zone considering lateral distribution of flow velocity and diffusion coefficient
Z Wu, W Wu
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 30675-30683, 2019
Study of RANS based flamelet/progress variable turbulent combustion model (in Chinese)
W Wu, W Huang, P Zhao, T Ye
Journal of University of Science and Technology of China 40 (10), 1016-1022, 2010
A universal velocity transformation for boundary layers with pressure gradients
PES Chen, W Wu, KP Griffin, Y Shi, XIA Yang
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 970, A3, 2023
Total mechanical energy transport lines and attractors in separating turbulent boundary layers
W Wu, R Mittal, C Meneveau
Physical Review Fluids 5 (1), 012601(R), 2020
Dynamics of Natural and Perturbed Turbulent Separation Bubbles
W Wu, C Meneveau, R Mittal
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), 2019
Analytical calculation of the two dimensional advection diffusion equationfor pollutant mixing in river and conditions for simplification. Ⅰ.Wide straight river without …
Z Wu, W Wu, C Lu
Journal of Hydraulics (Chinese), 2009
Dynamics of pore flow between shark dermal denticles
W Wu, S Benjamin
CTR Annual Research Briefs 2023, 2024
Reynolds-Number Effects of Separating Flow over a Bump in Spanwise Rotating Channels
B Savino, D Patel, W Wu
ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 41-46, 2023
Turbulence model form errors in separated flows
KS Klemmer, W Wu, ME Mueller
Physical Review Fluids 8 (2), 024606, 2023
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