Delanie Woodlock
Cited by
Cited by
The abuse of technology in domestic violence and stalking
D Woodlock
Violence against women 23 (5), 584-602, 2017
Technology facilitated coercive control: Domestic violence and the competing roles of digital media platforms
M Dragiewicz, J Burgess, A Matamoros-Fernández, M Salter, NP Suzor, ...
Feminist Media Studies 18 (4), 609-625, 2018
Digital coercive control: Insights from two landmark domestic violence studies
BA Harris, D Woodlock
The British Journal of Criminology 59 (3), 530-550, 2019
Technology as a weapon in domestic violence: Responding to digital coercive control
D Woodlock, M McKenzie, D Western, B Harris
Australian social work 73 (3), 368-380, 2020
Domestic violence and communication technology: Survivor experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity crime
M Dragiewicz, B Harris, D Woodlock, M Salter, H Easton, A Lynch, ...
The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), 2019
Technology-facilitated stalking and unwanted sexual messages/images in a college campus community: The role of negative peer support
WS DeKeseredy, MD Schwartz, B Harris, D Woodlock, J Nolan, ...
Sage open 9 (1), 2158244019828231, 2019
Technology-facilitated stalking: Findings and recommendations from the SmartSafe project
D Woodlock
Australia: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, Collingwood, 1-41, 2013
“What’s mum’s password?”: Australian mothers’ perceptions of children’s involvement in technology-facilitated coercive control
M Dragiewicz, D Woodlock, M Salter, B Harris
Journal of Family Violence 37 (1), 137-149, 2022
Technology-facilitated coercive control
M Dragiewicz, D Woodlock, B Harris, C Reid
The Routledge international handbook of violence studies, 244-253, 2018
Virtual pushers: Antidepressant internet marketing and women
D Woodlock
Women's Studies International Forum 28 (4), 304-314, 2005
Digital media and domestic violence in Australia: essential contexts
M Dragiewicz, B Harris, D Woodlock, M Salter
Journal of Gender-Based Violence 5 (3), 377-393, 2021
Second National Survey of Technology Abuse and Domestic Violence in Australia
D Woodlock, K Bentley, D Schulze, N Mahoney, D Chung, A Pracilio
WESNET, 2020
ReCharge: Women’s technology safety, legal resources, research and training
D Woodlock
Melbourne, Australia: SmartSafe. http://www. smartsafe. org. au/sites …, 2015
The impact of rurality on women's' space for action'in domestic violence: Findings from a meta-synthesis
K Farhall, B Harris, D Woodlock
International Journal of Rural Criminology 5 (2), 181-203, 2020
Spaceless violence: Women's experiences of technology-facilitated domestic violence in regional, rural and remote areas
B Harris, D Woodlock
Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice, 1-14, 2022
“Living in the darkness”: Technology-facilitated coercive control, disenfranchised grief, and institutional betrayal
D Woodlock, M Salter, M Dragiewicz, B Harris
Violence against women 29 (5), 987-1004, 2023
Technology, domestic violence advocacy and the sustainable development goals
B Harris, M Dragiewicz, D Woodlock
The emerald handbook of crime, justice and sustainable development, 295-313, 2020
Women’s input into a trauma-informed systems model of care in health settings: the WITH study-final report
K Hegarty, L Tarzia, S Rees, A Fooks, K Forsdike, D Woodlock, L Simpson, ...
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety, 2017
Digital coercive control and spatiality: rural, regional, and remote women's experience
B Harris, D Woodlock
The Emerald International Handbook of Technology-Facilitated Violence and …, 2021
The medicalization of Nonhuman Animal rights: frame contestation and the exploitation of disability
CL Wrenn, J Clark, M Judge, KA Gilchrist, D Woodlock, K Dotson, ...
Disability & Society 30 (9), 1307-1327, 2015
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Articles 1–20