Vishal Choudhury
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Cited by
High-power, fixed, and tunable wavelength, grating-free cascaded Raman fiber lasers
V Balaswamy, S Arun, S Aparanji, V Choudhury, VR Supradeepa
Optics letters 43 (7), 1574-1577, 2018
High power, high efficiency, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation using standard telecom fibers
S Arun, V Choudhury, V Balaswamy, R Prakash, VR Supradeepa
Optics Express 26 (7), 7979-7984, 2018
Octave-spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation with record power using standard telecom fibers pumped with power-combined fiber lasers
S Arun, V Choudhury, V Balaswamy, VR Supradeepa
Optics letters 45 (5), 1172-1175, 2020
Experimental analysis of stimulated Brillouin enhancement in high power, line-broadened, narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers due to spectral overlap between the Brillouin gain …
V Balaswamy, R Prakash, V Choudhury, S Aparanji, BS Vikram, ...
Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XVIII …, 2019
High-power continuous-wave supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear fibers pumped with high-order cascaded Raman fiber amplifiers
V Choudhury, S Arun, R Prakash, VR Supradeepa
Applied Optics 57 (21), 5978-5982, 2018
Continuously linewidth tunable, polarisation maintaining narrow linewidth fiber laser
BS Vikram, V Choudhury, R Prakash, S Aparanji, VR Supradeepa
Fiber Lasers XVI: Technology and Systems 10897, 291-297, 2019
Stability analysis of high power, octave spanning, continuous-wave supercontinuum sources based on cascaded Raman scattering in standard telecom fibers
S Arun, V Choudhury, V Balaswamy, VR Supradeepa
OSA Continuum 1 (4), 1267-1276, 2018
High power, tunable, continuous-wave fiber lasers in the L-band using cascaded Raman amplifiers
S Arun, V Choudhury, R Prakash, VR Supradeepa
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (15), 1412-1415, 2018
High power, equalized, continuous-wave supercontinuum generation using cascaded Raman fiber amplifiers
V Choudhury, S Arun, R Prakash, VR Supradeepa
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CD_1_4, 2017
High power, continuous wave, supercontinuum generation using erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber lasers
R Prakash, V Choudhury, VR Supradeepa
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, W3A. 78, 2016
Power combined, octave-spanning, CW supercontinuum using standard telecom fiber with output power of 70W
S Arun, V Choudhury, V Balaswamy, VR Supradeepa
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM1K. 5, 2018
High power, tunable, L-band (1.6 micron wavelength region) fiber lasers
S Arun, V Choudhury, R Prakash, VR Supradeepa
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Tu3E. 5, 2016
Fourier pulse shaper assisted feedback in cascaded Raman lasers for reduced linewidth and wide wavelength tunability
S Dash, R Deheri, V Choudhury, VR Supradeepa
Optical Components and Materials XIX 11997, 141-145, 2022
Tunable random distributed feedback Raman fiber laser with Fourier spectral shaper for feedback control
S Dash, R Deheri, V Choudhury, VR Supradeepa
Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems 11665, 112-117, 2021
Fourier pulse shaper for high power fiber coupled lasers and supercontinuum sources
V Choudhury, S Arun, VR Supradeepa
Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VII 11287, 14-19, 2020
Visible light flashes induced by pulsed stimulated Brillouin scattering in narrow-linewidth, high-power, near-IR fiber lasers
V Choudhury, S Aparanji, R Prakash, V Balaswamy, VR Supradeepa
Journal of Optics 23 (7), 075501, 2021
Low power generation of equalized broadband CW supercontinua using a novel technique incorporating modulation instability of line broadened pump
R Prakash, V Choudhury, S Arun, VR Supradeepa
Optical Components and Materials XV 10528, 227-232, 2018
Computational Kerr ellipsometry: Quantifying broadband optical nonreciprocity of magneto-optic materials
V Choudhury, C Khandekar, AK Boddeti, A Jishi, M Erkovan, T Sentz, ...
Physical Review B 109 (5), 054433, 2024
Pump Wavelength Flexible, Continuous-Wave Fiber Supercontinuum Using Two-Stage Spectral Broadening
R Prakash, V Choudhury, S Arun, VR Supradeepa
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33 (1), 31-34, 2020
Observation of visible light flashes in high power, near infrared, narrow-linewidth fiber lasers and its potential use as a visual monitor for stimulated Brillouin scattering
V Choudhury, S Aparanji, R Prakash, V Balaswamy, VR Supradeepa
Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications IV …, 2019
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Articles 1–20