Tim Gessert
Tim Gessert
Gessert Consulting, LLC
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16.5%-efficient CdS/CdTe polycrystalline thin-film solar cell
X Wu, JC Keane, RG Dhere, C DeHart, DS Albin, A Duda, TA Gessert, ...
Proceedings of the 17th European photovoltaic solar energy conference 995, 2001
Fabrication procedures and process sensitivities for CdS/CdTe solar cells
DH Rose, FS Hasoon, RG Dhere, DS Albin, RM Ribelin, XS Li, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 7 (5), 331-340, 1999
Chemical vapor deposition-formed p-type ZnO thin films
X Li, Y Yan, TA Gessert, CL Perkins, D Young, C DeHart, M Young, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 21 (4 …, 2003
Dependence of the Minority-Carrier Lifetime on the Stoichiometry of CdTe Using<? format?> Time-Resolved Photoluminescence and First-Principles Calculations
J Ma, D Kuciauskas, D Albin, R Bhattacharya, M Reese, T Barnes, JV Li, ...
Physical review letters 111 (6), 067402, 2013
Carrier density and compensation in semiconductors with multiple dopants and multiple transition energy levels: Case of Cu impurities in CdTe
J Ma, SH Wei, TA Gessert, KK Chin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (24), 245207, 2011
Critical issues in the design of polycrystalline, thin‐film tandem solar cells
TJ Coutts, JS Ward, DL Young, KA Emery, TA Gessert, R Noufi
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 11 (6), 359-375, 2003
High-efficiency, flexible CdTe solar cells on ultra-thin glass substrates
HP Mahabaduge, WL Rance, JM Burst, MO Reese, DM Meysing, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (13), 2015
Intrinsic surface passivation of CdTe
MO Reese, CL Perkins, JM Burst, S Farrell, TM Barnes, SW Johnston, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (15), 2015
Research strategies toward improving thin-film CdTe photovoltaic devices beyond 20% conversion efficiency
TA Gessert, SH Wei, J Ma, DS Albin, RG Dhere, JN Duenow, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 119, 149-155, 2013
High‐efficiency indium tin oxide/indium phosphide solar cells
X Li, MW Wanlass, TA Gessert, KA Emery, TJ Coutts
Applied physics letters 54 (26), 2674-2676, 1989
Interdiffusion of CdS and layers and its application in CdS/CdTe polycrystalline thin-film solar cells
X Wu, S Asher, DH Levi, DE King, Y Yan, TA Gessert, P Sheldon
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (8), 4564-4569, 2001
Effect of copassivation of Cl and Cu on CdTe grain boundaries
L Zhang, JLF Da Silva, J Li, Y Yan, TA Gessert, SH Wei
Physical review letters 101 (15), 155501, 2008
Development of Cu‐doped ZnTe as a back‐contact interface layer for thin‐film CdS/CdTe solar cells
TA Gessert, AR Mason, P Sheldon, AB Swartzlander, D Niles, TJ Coutts
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 14 (3 …, 1996
High-efficiency CTO/ZTO/CdS/CdTe polycrystalline thin-film solar cells
X Wu, RG Dhere, DS Albin, TA Gessert, C Dehart, JC Keane, A Duda, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO.(US), 2001
Dependence of carrier lifetime on Cu-contacting temperature and ZnTe: Cu thickness in CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells
TA Gessert, WK Metzger, P Dippo, SE Asher, RG Dhere, MR Young
Thin Solid Films 517 (7), 2370-2373, 2009
High-mobility, sputtered films of indium oxide doped with molybdenum
Y Yoshida, DM Wood, TA Gessert, TJ Coutts
Applied Physics Letters 84 (12), 2097-2099, 2004
p-type ZnO thin films formed by CVD reaction of diethylzinc and NO gas
X Li, Y Yan, TA Gessert, C DeHart, CL Perkins, D Young, TJ Coutts
Electrochemical and solid-state letters 6 (4), C56, 2003
Perspectives on the pathways for cadmium telluride photovoltaic module manufacturers to address expected increases in the price for tellurium
M Woodhouse, A Goodrich, R Margolis, T James, R Dhere, T Gessert, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 115, 199-212, 2013
Theoretical analysis of effects of deep level, back contact, and absorber thickness on capacitance–voltage profiling of CdTe thin-film solar cells
JV Li, AF Halverson, OV Sulima, S Bansal, JM Burst, TM Barnes, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 100, 126-131, 2012
CBD‐Cd1−xZnxS thin films and their application in CdTe solar cells
J Zhou, X Wu, G Teeter, B To, Y Yan, RG Dhere, TA Gessert
physica status solidi (b) 241 (3), 775-778, 2004
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