Biao Li
Cited by
Cited by
Quantifying structural states of soft mudrocks
B Li, RCK Wong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (5), 3324-3347, 2016
Experimental study of rate-dependent uniaxial compressive behaviors of two artificial frozen sandy clay soils
N Girgis, B Li, S Akhtar, B Courcelles
Cold Regions Science and Technology 180, 103166, 2020
Understanding the performance of hydraulically fractured wells in the laumontite-rich tight glutenite formation
B Chen, B Xu, B Li, M Kong, W Wang, H Chen
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 185, 106600, 2020
Microscopic & macroscopic characterizations of Beijing marble as a building material for UNESCO heritage sites: new insights into physico-mechanical property estimation and …
J Liu, Z Zhang, B Li
Construction and Building Materials 225, 510-525, 2019
A mechanistic model for anisotropic thermal strain behavior of soft mudrocks
B Li, RCK Wong
Engineering Geology 228, 146-157, 2017
The application of geomechanical SAGD dilation startup in a Xinjiang oil field heavy-oil reservoir
X Sun, B Xu, G Qian, B Li
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, 107670, 2021
A modified Kozeny-Carman model for estimating anisotropic permeability of soft mudrocks
B Li, RCK Wong, S Heidari
Marine and petroleum geology 98, 356-368, 2018
Numerical analysis of pipeline uplift resistance in frozen clay soil considering hybrid tensile-shear yield behaviors
S Akhtar, B Li
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 6 (4), 47, 2020
Anisotropy in capillary invasion and fluid flow through induced sandstone and shale fractures
B Li, RCK Wong, T Milnes
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 65, 129-140, 2014
Experimental study on factors affecting the physical and mechanical properties of shell lime mortar
Z Zhang, J Liu, B Li, G Yu, L Li
Construction and Building Materials 228, 116726, 2019
Modelling equivalent elastic properties of imperfectly bonded soil-rock mixtures using an XFEM-based computational homogenization
E Norouzi, B Li, RE Erkmen
Computers and Geotechnics 144, 104638, 2022
Thermally induced deterioration behaviour of two dolomitic marbles under heating–cooling cycles
Z Zhang, J Liu, B Li, X Yang
Royal Society Open Science 5 (10), 180779, 2018
Comprehensive stability analysis of an inclined wellbore embedded in Colorado shale formation for thermal recovery
B Li, RCK Wong, B Xu, B Yang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 110, 168-176, 2018
Characterizing thermo-hydraulic behaviors of seasonally frozen loess via a combined opto-electronic sensing system: Field monitoring and assessment
HH Zhu, B Wu, DF Cao, B Li, Z Wen, XF Liu, B Shi
Journal of Hydrology 622, 129647, 2023
Experimental investigation of interfacial behavior of fiber optic cables embedded in frozen soil for in-situ deformation monitoring
B Wu, HH Zhu, TX Liu, DY Wang, LL Hu, B Li
Measurement 215, 112843, 2023
In Situ stress field in the Athabasca oil sands deposits: Field measurement, stress-field modeling, and engineering implications
JG Liu, B Xu, L Sun, B Li, GJ Wei
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 215, 110671, 2022
Vertical-well-assisted SAGD dilation process in heterogeneous super-heavy oil reservoirs: Numerical simulations
Z Yang, X Sun, C Luo, B Xu, B Yang, B Li
Underground Space 6 (6), 603-618, 2021
A thermodynamic-based model for modeling thermo-elastoplastic behaviors of saturated clayey soils considering bound water dehydration
M Sojoudi, B Li
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15 (6), 1535-1546, 2023
Constitutive modeling of a laumontite-rich tight rock and the application to poromechanical analysis of deeply drilled wells
S Heidari, B Li, AB Jacquey, B Xu
Rock Mechanics Bulletin 2 (2), 100039, 2023
Modeling anisotropic static elastic properties of soft mudrocks with different clay fractions
B Li, RCK Wong
Geophysics 82 (1), MR27-MR37, 2017
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Articles 1–20