Guanbin Li (李冠彬)
Guanbin Li (李冠彬)
Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
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Cited by
Visual saliency based on multiscale deep features
G Li, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
Deep contrast learning for salient object detection
G Li, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Larger norm more transferable: An adaptive feature norm approach for unsupervised domain adaptation
R Xu, G Li, J Yang, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Visual saliency detection based on multiscale deep CNN features
G Li, Y Yu
IEEE transactions on image processing 25 (11), 5012-5024, 2016
Multi-label image recognition by recurrently discovering attentional regions
Z Wang, T Chen, G Li, R Xu, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 464-472, 2017
Instance-level salient object segmentation
G Li, Y Xie, L Lin, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Crowd counting with deep structured scale integration network
L Liu, Z Qiu, G Li, S Liu, W Ouyang, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Adaptive context selection for polyp segmentation
R Zhang, G Li, Z Li, S Cui, D Qian, Y Yu
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd …, 2020
Non-locally enhanced encoder-decoder network for single image de-raining
G Li, X He, W Zhang, H Chang, L Dong, L Lin
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1056-1064, 2018
Contextualized spatial–temporal network for taxi origin-destination demand prediction
L Liu, Z Qiu, G Li, Q Wang, W Ouyang, L Lin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (10), 3875-3887, 2019
Attention-aware face hallucination via deep reinforcement learning
Q Cao, L Lin, Y Shi, X Liang, G Li
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Dynamic graph attention for referring expression comprehension
S Yang, G Li, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
Motion guided attention for video salient object detection
H Li, G Chen, G Li, Y Yu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
A real-time cross-modality correlation filtering method for referring expression comprehension
Y Liao, S Liu, G Li, F Wang, Y Chen, C Qian, B Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Crowd counting using deep recurrent spatial-aware network
L Liu, H Wang, G Li, W Ouyang, L Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.00601, 2018
Referring image segmentation via cross-modal progressive comprehension
S Huang, T Hui, S Liu, G Li, Y Wei, J Han, L Liu, B Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Clusternet: Deep hierarchical cluster network with rigorously rotation-invariant representation for point cloud analysis
C Chen, G Li, R Xu, T Chen, M Wang, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Flow guided recurrent neural encoder for video salient object detection
G Li, Y Xie, T Wei, K Wang, L Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Recurrent attentional reinforcement learning for multi-label image recognition
T Chen, Z Wang, G Li, L Lin
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Linguistic structure guided context modeling for referring image segmentation
T Hui, S Liu, S Huang, G Li, S Yu, F Zhang, J Han
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20