Fernando Ordonez
Fernando Ordonez
Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Chile
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Cited by
Ridesharing: The state-of-the-art and future directions
M Furuhata, M Dessouky, F Ordóñez, ME Brunet, X Wang, S Koenig
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 57, 28-46, 2013
Playing games for security: An efficient exact algorithm for solving Bayesian Stackelberg games
P Paruchuri, JP Pearce, J Marecki, M Tambe, F Ordonez, S Kraus
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008
A modeling framework for facility location of medical services for large-scale emergencies
H Jia, F Ordóñez, M Dessouky
IIE transactions 39 (1), 41-55, 2007
Deployed armor protection: the application of a game theoretic model for security at the los angeles international airport
J Pita, M Jain, J Marecki, F Ordóñez, C Portway, M Tambe, C Western, ...
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008
Computing optimal randomized resource allocations for massive security games
C Kiekintveld, M Jain, J Tsai, J Pita, F Ordónez, M Tambe
Solution approaches for facility location of medical supplies for large-scale emergencies
H Jia, F Ordonez, MM Dessouky
Computers & Industrial Engineering 52 (2), 257-276, 2007
A robust optimization approach for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with demand uncertainty
I Sungur, F Ordónez, M Dessouky
Iie Transactions 40 (5), 509-523, 2008
IRIS-a tool for strategic security allocation in transportation networks
J Tsai, S Rathi, C Kiekintveld, F Ordonez, M Tambe
AAMAS (Industry Track), 37-44, 2009
Facility location under demand uncertainty: Response to a large-scale bio-terror attack
P Murali, F Ordóñez, MM Dessouky
Socio-economic planning sciences 46 (1), 78-87, 2012
Software assistants for randomized patrol planning for the lax airport police and the federal air marshal service
M Jain, J Tsai, J Pita, C Kiekintveld, S Rathi, M Tambe, F Ordónez
Interfaces 40 (4), 267-290, 2010
A two-stage stochastic programming model for transportation network protection
C Liu, Y Fan, F Ordóñez
Computers & Operations Research 36 (5), 1582-1590, 2009
A simulation study of demand responsive transit system design
L Quadrifoglio, MM Dessouky, F Ordóñez
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (4), 718-737, 2008
Robust solutions to stackelberg games: Addressing bounded rationality and limited observations in human cognition
J Pita, M Jain, M Tambe, F Ordónez, S Kraus
Artificial Intelligence 174 (15), 1142-1171, 2010
Security games with arbitrary schedules: A branch and price approach
M Jain, E Kardes, C Kiekintveld, F Ordónez, M Tambe
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 24 (1), 792-797, 2010
Robust capacity expansion of network flows
F Ordónez, J Zhao
Networks: An International Journal 50 (2), 136-145, 2007
Using game theory for Los Angeles airport security
J Pita, M Jain, F Ordónez, C Portway, M Tambe, C Western, P Paruchuri, ...
AI magazine 30 (1), 43-43, 2009
A two‐stage vehicle routing model for large‐scale bioterrorism emergencies
Z Shen, MM Dessouky, F Ordóñez
Networks: An International Journal 54 (4), 255-269, 2009
Improving resource allocation strategy against human adversaries in security games
R Yang, C Kiekintveld, F Ordonez, M Tambe, R John
IJCAI Proceedings-International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2011
An efficient heuristic approach for security against multiple adversaries
P Paruchuri, JP Pearce, M Tambe, F Ordonez, S Kraus
Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2007
Robust solutions for network design under transportation cost and demand uncertainty
S Mudchanatongsuk, F Ordóñez, J Liu
Journal of the Operational Research Society 59 (5), 652-662, 2008
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Articles 1–20