Walter W. Milligan
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Strengthening mechanisms in polycrystalline multimodal nickel-base superalloys
RW Kozar, A Suzuki, WW Milligan, JJ Schirra, MF Savage, TM Pollock
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 40, 1588-1603, 2009
Strength and tension/compression asymmetry in nanostructured and ultrafine-grain metals
S Cheng, JA Spencer, WW Milligan
Acta Materialia 51 (15), 4505-4518, 2003
Investigation of creep deformation mechanisms at intermediate temperatures in René 88 DT
GB Viswanathan, PM Sarosi, MF Henry, DD Whitis, WW Milligan, MJ Mills
Acta Materialia 53 (10), 3041-3057, 2005
Observation and measurement of grain rotation and plastic strain in nanostructured metal thin films
M Ke, SA Hackney, WW Milligan, EC Aifantis
Nanostructured Materials 5 (6), 689-697, 1995
Mechanical behavior of a bulk nanostructured iron alloy
JE Carsley, A Fisher, WW Milligan, EC Aifantis
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 29, 2261-2271, 1998
A simple, mixtures-based model for the grain size dependence of strength in nanophase metals
JE Carsley, J Ning, WW Milligan, SA Hackney, EC Aifantis
Nanostructured Materials 5 (4), 441-448, 1995
Yielding and deformation behavior of the single crystal superalloy PWA 1480
WW Milligan, SD Antolovich
Metallurgical Transactions A 18, 85-95, 1987
Thresholds for high-cycle fatigue in a turbine engine Ti–6Al–4V alloy
RO Ritchie, BL Boyce, JP Campbell, O Roder, AW Thompson, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 21 (7), 653-662, 1999
In situ studies of deformation and fracture in nanophase materials
WW Milligan, SA Hackney, M Ke, EC Aifantis
Nanostructured Materials 2 (3), 267-276, 1993
The mechanisms and temperature dependence of superlattice stacking fault formation in the single-crystal superalloy PWA 1480
WW Milligan, SD Antolovich
Metallurgical Transactions A 22, 2309-2318, 1991
Glasslike behavior in a nanostructured Fe/Cu alloy
JE Carsley, WW Milligan, SA Hackney, EC Aifantis
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 26, 2479-2481, 1995
A model for slip irreversibility, and its effect on the fatigue crack propagation threshold in a nickel-base superalloy
A Shyam, WW Milligan
Acta materialia 53 (3), 835-844, 2005
High frequency fatigue crack propagation behavior of a nickel-base turbine disk alloy
SA Padula Ii, A Shyam, RO Ritchie, WW Milligan
International journal of fatigue 21 (7), 725-731, 1999
Consolidation of nanostructured metal powders by rapid forging: processing, modeling, and subsequent mechanical behavior
GR Shaik, WW Milligan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 28, 895-904, 1997
A 1 kHz servohydraulic fatigue testing system
JM Morgan, WW Milligan
High cycle fatigue of structural materials. Warrendale, PA: TMS, 305-12, 1997
Effects of deformation behavior on fatigue fracture surface morphology in a nickel-base superalloy
A Shyam, WW Milligan
Acta Materialia 52 (6), 1503-1513, 2004
On the failure of pressure-sensitive plastic materials. Part 2: comparisons with experiments on ultra fine grained Fe-10% Cu alloys
JE Carsley, WW Milligan, XH Zhu, EC Aifantis
Scripta materialia 36 (6), 1997
Effects of alloy composition on environmental embrittlement of B2 ordered iron aluminides
RJ Lynch, LA Heldt, WW Milligan
Scripta Metallurgica;(United States) 25 (9), 1991
Alloying of Al3Ti to form cubic phases
M DE, N JP, S Zhang, M WW
ISIJ International 31 (10), 1076-1079, 1991
Temperature dependence of the compressive strength of cubic phases formed by alloying Al3Ti with Mn And Cr
S Zhang, JP Nic, WW Milligan, DE Mikkola
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 24 (8), 1441-1446, 1990
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Articles 1–20