Ramon A. Wyss
Ramon A. Wyss
Other namesR. Wyss, R. A. Wyss, Ramon Alexander Wyss
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Joint Institute, Oak Ridge National Lab, Manne Siegbahn Institut
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Cited by
A triplet of differently shaped spin-zero states in the atomic nucleus 186Pb
AN Andreyev, M Huyse, P Van Duppen, L Weissman, D Ackermann, ...
Nature 405 (6785), 430-433, 2000
Structure of superdeformed bands in the A≈ 150 mass region
W Nazarewicz, R Wyss, A Johnson
Nuclear Physics A 503 (2), 285-330, 1989
Highly deformed intruder bands in the A≈ 130 mass region
R Wyss, J Nyberg, A Johnson, R Bengtsson, W Nazarewicz
Physics Letters B 215 (2), 211-217, 1988
Universal decay law in charged-particle emission and exotic cluster radioactivity
C Qi, FR Xu, RJ Liotta, R Wyss
Physical review letters 103 (7), 072501, 2009
Multiple superdeformed bands in 194Hg and their dynamical moments of inertia
MA Riley, DM Cullen, A Alderson, I Ali, P Fallon, PD Forsyth, F Hanna, ...
Nuclear Physics A 512 (1), 178-188, 1990
Microscopic mechanism of charged-particle radioactivity and generalization of the Geiger-Nuttall law
C Qi, FR Xu, RJ Liotta, R Wyss, MY Zhang, C Asawatangtrakuldee, D Hu
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 80 (4), 044326, 2009
New features of superdeformed bands in 194 Hg
B Cederwall, RVF Janssens, MJ Brinkman, IY Lee, I Ahmad, JA Becker, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett 72, 3150, 1994
Competition between T= 0 and T= 1 pairing in proton-rich nuclei
W Satuła, R Wyss
Physics Letters B 393 (1-2), 1-6, 1997
Multi-quasiparticle potential-energy surfaces
FR Xu, PM Walker, JA Sheikh, R Wyss
Physics Letters B 435 (3-4), 257-263, 1998
The Lipkin-Nogami formalism for the cranked mean field
W Satuła, R Wyss, P Magierski
Nuclear Physics A 578 (1-2), 45-61, 1994
Rotational bands in the doubly odd nucleus 134Pr
CM Petrache, D Bazzacco, S Lunardi, CR Alvarez, G De Angelis, ...
Nuclear Physics A 597 (1), 106-126, 1996
Enhanced stability of superheavy nuclei due to high-spin isomerism
FR Xu, EG Zhao, R Wyss, PM Walker
Physical review letters 92 (25), 252501, 2004
Quadrupole pairing interaction and signature inversion
FR Xu, W Satuła, R Wyss
Nuclear Physics A 669 (1-2), 119-134, 2000
Interplay between proton and neutron S-bands in the Xe-Ba-Ce-region
R Wyss, A Granderath, R Bengtsson, P Von Brentano, A Dewald, ...
Nuclear Physics A 505 (2), 337-351, 1989
Structure of superdeformed states in Au Ra nuclei
W Satula, S Ćwiok, W Nazarewicz, R Wyss, A Johnson
Nuclear Physics A 529 (2), 289-314, 1991
Coherence of nucleonic motion in superdeformed nuclei: Towards an understanding of identical bands
W Satuła, R Wyss
Physical Review C 50 (6), 2888, 1994
Extended mean field description of deformed states in neutron deficient Cd-and Sn-nuclei
W Satula, R Wyss
Physica Scripta 1995 (T56), 159, 1995
High-spin spectroscopy of the 142Eu, 143Eu and 144Eu nuclei
M Piiparinen, A Ataç, J Blomqvist, GB Hagemann, B Herskind, R Julin, ...
Nuclear Physics A 605 (2), 191-268, 1996
Competition between triaxial bands and highly deformed intruder bands around 180Os
R Wyss, W Satuła, W Nazarewicz, A Johnson
Nuclear Physics A 511 (2), 324-344, 1990
First evidence for the hyperdeformed nuclear shape at high angular momentum
A Galindo-Uribarri, HR Andrews, GC Ball, TE Drake, VP Janzen, ...
Physical Review Letters 71 (2), 231, 1993
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Articles 1–20