Luciana Dalla Valle
Luciana Dalla Valle
Associate Professor in Mathematics and Statistics
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A Bayesian approach to estimate the marginal loss distributions in operational risk management
L Dalla Valle, P Giudici
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (6), 3107-3127, 2008
Copula and operational risks
L Dalla Valle, D Fantazzini, P Giudici
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 2005
A copula-based approach for the estimation of wave height records through spatial correlation
R Jane, L Dalla Valle, D Simmonds, A Raby
Coastal Engineering 117, 1-18, 2016
Default Probability Estimation via Pair Copula Constructions
L Dalla Valle, ME De Giuli, C Tarantola, C Manelli
European Journal of Operational Research 249 (1), 298-311, 2016
Bayesian copulae distributions, with application to operational risk management
L Dalla Valle
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 11 (1), 95-115, 2009
Reducing energy demand in China and the United Kingdom: The importance of energy literacy
DRE Cotton, J Zhai, W Miller, L Dalla Valle, J Winter
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
Internationalisation, cultural distance and country characteristics: a Bayesian analysis of SMEs financial performance
A Majocchi, L Dalla Valle, A D'Angelo
Journal of Business Economics and Management 16 (2), 307-324, 2015
Social Media Big Data Integration: a New Approach Based on Calibration
L Dalla Valle, R Kenett
Expert Systems with Applications, 2017
Bayesian Model Selection for Beta Autoregressive Processes
R Casarin, L Dalla Valle, F Leisen
Bayesian Analysis 7 (2), 385-410, 2012
Bayesian Nonparametric Conditional Copula Estimation of Twin Data
L Dalla Valle, F Leisen, L Rossini
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series C, 2017
On Enthusing Students about Big Data and Social Media Visualization and Analysis using R, RStudio and RMarkdown
L Dalla Valle, J Stander
Journal of Statistics Education 25 (2), 2017
Official statistics data integration using copulas
L Dalla Valle
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 11 (1), 111-131, 2014
Official statistics data integration for enhanced information quality
L Dalla Valle, RS Kenett
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 31 (7), 1281-1300, 2015
Is students’ energy literacy related to their university’s position in a sustainability ranking?
D Cotton, J Winter, W Miller, L Dalla Valle
Environmental Education Research, 2017
Social Media Integration of Flood Data: A Vine Copula-Based Approach
L Ansell, L Dalla Valle
Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2022
The Use of Official Statistics in Self-Selection Bias Modeling.
L Dalla Valle
Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) 32 (4), 2016
A Bayesian Non-linear State Space Copula Model to Predict Air Pollution in Beijing
A Kreuzer, L Dalla Valle, C Czado
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series C, 2022
Analysis of paediatric visual acuity using Bayesian copula models with sinh‐arcsinh marginal densities
J Stander, L Dalla Valle, C Taglioni, B Liseo, A Wade, M Cortina‐Borja
Statistics in medicine 38 (18), 3421-3443, 2019
Errors in customer satisfaction surveys and methods to correct self-selection bias
G Nicolini, L Dalla Valle
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 8 (2), 167-181, 2011
Bayesian multivariate nonlinear state space copula models
A Kreuzer, L Dalla Valle, C Czado
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 188, 107820, 2023
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Articles 1–20