Kudang Boro Seminar
Kudang Boro Seminar
Professor of Agriculture Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University
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Cited by
A comparison study of kernel functions in the support vector machine and its application for termite detection
M Achirul Nanda, K Boro Seminar, D Nandika, A Maddu
Information 9 (1), 5, 2018
Vertical farming perspectives in support of precision agriculture using artificial intelligence: A review
RRA Siregar, KB Seminar, S Wahjuni, E Santosa
Computers 11 (9), 135, 2022
Electrical behavior of garut citrus fruits during ripening changes in resistance and capacitance models of internal fruits
J Juansah, IW Budiastra, K Dahlan, KB Seminar
IJET-IJENS 12 (4), 1-8, 2012
A Hyperlink based Graphical User Interface of Knowledge Management System for Broiler Production
Y Fernando, KB Seminar, I Hermadi, R Afnan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2 (3), 668-674, 2016
Algoritma genetika teori dan aplikasinya untuk bisnis dan industri
Y Arkeman, KB Seminar, H Gunawan
Electrical properties of garut citrus fruits at low alternating current signal and its correlation with physicochemical properties during maturation
J Juansah, IW Budiastra, K Dahlan, KB Seminar
International journal of food properties 17 (7), 1498-1517, 2014
The prospect of electrical impedance spectroscopy as non-destructive evaluation of citrus fruits acidity
J Juansah, IW Budiastra, K Dahlan, KB Seminar
Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Adv. Eng 2 (11), 58-64, 2012
Discriminant analysis as a tool for detecting the acoustic signals of termites Coptotermes curvignathus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
MA Nanda, KB Seminar, D Nandika, A Maddu
Int. J. Technol 9 (4), 840-851, 2018
Developing a traceability system for tuna supply chains
BA Kresna, KB Seminar, M Marimin
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 6 (3), 52-62, 2017
Pengaruh penggunaan media sosial facebook dan dukungan sosial online terhadap perilaku pemberian air susu ibu
W Yasya, P Muljono, KB Seminar, H Hardinsyah
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Dan Media 23 (1), 71-86, 2019
Evaluasi keberhasilan e-learning dalam perspektif sistem informasi (studi kasus Universitas Terbuka)
ABD Rahmat, KB Seminar, AI Suroso
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 5 (3), 373-373, 2019
Faktor penentu minat penggunaan instagram untuk pembelian online menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
B Indrayana, KB Seminar, B Sartono
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen (JABM) 2 (2), 138-138, 2016
Performance in real condition of photonic crystal sensor based NO2 gas monitoring system
M Rahmat, W Maulina, E Rustami, M Azis, DR Budiarti, KB Seminar, ...
Atmospheric Environment 79, 480-485, 2013
Modelling the adoption of mobile payment system for primary and secondary school student examination fees in developing countries: Tanzanian experience
T Tossy
International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management 27 …, 2014
The development of automatic coffee sorting system based on image processing and artificial neural network
U Ahmad, KB Seminar, DW Soedibyo, I Subrata
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010
Design framework of a traceability system for the rice agroindustry supply chain in West Java
PB Purwandoko, KB Seminar, Sutrisno, Sugiyanta
Information 10 (6), 218, 2019
Development of a smart traceability system for the rice agroindustry supply chain in Indonesia
PB Purwandoko, KB Seminar, Sutrisno, Sugiyanta
Information 10 (10), 288, 2019
Food chain transparency for food loss and waste surveillance
KB Seminar
Journal of Developments in Sustainable agriculture 11 (1), 17-22, 2016
Pendinginan zona perakaran (root zone cooling) pada produksi benih kentang menggunakan sistem aeroponik
E Sumarni, H Suhardiyanto, KB Seminar, SK Saptomo
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 41 (2), 2013
Development of termite detection system based on acoustic and temperature signals
MA Nanda, KB Seminar, D Nandika, A Maddu
Measurement 147, 106902, 2019
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Articles 1–20