Mustafa Çoramık
Mustafa Çoramık
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi
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Discontinuity inspection in pipelines: A comparison review
M Coramik, Y Ege
Measurement 111, 359-373, 2017
A new measurement system using magnetic flux leakage method in pipeline inspection
Y Ege, M Coramik
Measurement 123, 163-174, 2018
Determination of conceptual understanding levels related to optics concepts: The case of opticianry
E Özdemir, M Çoramık, H Ürek
Necmettin Erbakan Univ, 2020
Manyetizma Ünitesinin Bilgisayar ve Deney Destekli Etkinlikler ile Öğretiminin 11. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Özyeterlilik ve Üstbilişlerine, Tutumlarına, Güdülenmelerine ve …
M Çoramık
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
A new axial flux permanent magnet synchronous alternator autonomously adapted to wind speeds
O Kalender, Y Ege, Ö Eskidere, I Karen, O Gürdal, C Ünal, E Yürüklü, ...
Measurement 69, 87-94, 2015
Reasons of student difficulties with right-hand rules in electromagnetism
E Özdemir, M Çoramık
Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2018
Calculation of kinetic friction coefficient with Phyphox, Tracker and Algodoo
M Coramik, H Ürek
Physics Education 56 (6), 065019, 2021
Design and optimization of delphi-based electromagnetic coilgun
H Citak, Y Ege, M Coramik
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 47 (5), 2186-2196, 2019
A new electromagnetic helical coilgun launcher design based on LabVIEW
Y Ege, M Kabadayı, O Kalender, M Çoramık, H Çıtak, E Yürüklü, A Dalcalı
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (7), 1208-1218, 2016
An application of BRANN and MFL methods: Determining crack type and physical properties on M5 steel sheets
Y Ege, S Bicakcı, H Gunes, H Citak, M Coramik
Measurement 138, 545-556, 2019
Anomaly detection with low magnetic flux: A fluxgate sensor network application
Y Ege, M Çoramık, M Kabadayı, H Çıtak, O Kalender, E Yürüklü, U Kurt, ...
Measurement 81, 43-56, 2016
A physical pendulum experiment with Lego, Phyphox and Tracker
M Coramik, B İnanç
Physics Education 58 (5), 055014, 2023
Studies to increase barrel exit velocity for four-stage coil-gun
M Coramik, H Citak, S Bicakci, H Gunes, Y Aydin, Y Ege
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48 (7), 2618-2627, 2020
Using Tracker to find the minimum angle of deviation and the refractive index of a prism
H Ürek, E Özdemir, M Coramik
Physics Education 56 (3), 035016, 2021
A Suggestion and Evaluation of a STEM Activity about Friction Coefficient for Pre-Service Science Teachers
Journal of Computer and Education Research 10 (19), 202-235, 2022
Örnek Bir Analiz Üzerinden ANSYS MAXWELL Kullanımında Karşılaşılan Güçlüklere Detaylı Çözüm Önerileri
M Çoramık
International Necatibey Educational and Social Sciences Research Congress, 78, 2018
Üstbiliş, Özyeterlilik ve Öğrenme Süreçleri Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanma Çalışması: Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi Sonuçları
MS Kocakülah, E Özdemir, M Çoramık, RS Işıldak
Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi …, 2016
The Determination of Buried Magnetic Material From Various Heights: A Neural Network Application
H Citak, Y Ege, S Bicakci, H Gunes, M Coramik
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (7), 4188-4199, 2020
Determining the effect of velocity on sensor selection and position in non-destructive testing with magnetic flux leakage method: a pipe inspection gauge design study with …
M Coramik, H Citak, Y Ege, S Bicakci, H Gunes
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72, 1-12, 2023
Crack identification system on MOH cold rolled grain oriented sheets: Application of K-fold cross validated BRANN
H Gunes, M Coramik, S Bicakci, H Citak, Y Ege
Measurement 195, 111128, 2022
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