Sean McCorkle
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Cited by
Defining the CREB regulon: a genome-wide analysis of transcription factor regulatory regions
S Impey, SR McCorkle, H Cha-Molstad, JM Dwyer, GS Yochum, JM Boss, ...
Cell 119 (7), 1041-1054, 2004
Transcript profiling of human platelets using microarray and serial analysis of gene expression
DV Gnatenko, JJ Dunn, SR McCorkle, D Weissmann, PL Perrotta, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 101 (6), 2285-2293, 2003
ATLAS technical proposal
Atlas Collaboration
CERN/LHCC/94-43, 1994
The Complete Genome Sequence of Cupriavidus metallidurans Strain CH34, a Master Survivalist in Harsh and Anthropogenic Environments
PJ Janssen, R Van Houdt, H Moors, P Monsieurs, N Morin, A Michaux, ...
PLoS One 5 (5), e10433, 2010
Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects soil microbial diversity associated with trembling aspen
C Lesaulnier, D Papamichail, S McCorkle, B Ollivier, S Skiena, S Taghavi, ...
Environmental Microbiology 10 (4), 926-941, 2008
A new binding motif for the transcriptional repressor REST uncovers large gene networks devoted to neuronal functions
SJ Otto, SR McCorkle, J Hover, C Conaco, JJ Han, S Impey, GS Yochum, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (25), 6729-6739, 2007
Proton and pion production relative to the reaction plane in Au + Au collisions at 11 GeV/
J Barrette, R Bellwied, S Bennett, R Bersch, P Braun-Munzinger, ...
Physical Review C 56 (6), 3254, 1997
Bioprospecting metagenomes: glycosyl hydrolases for converting biomass
LL Li, SR McCorkle, S Monchy, S Taghavi, D van der Lelie
Biotechnology for biofuels 2, 1-11, 2009
The ModelSEED Biochemistry Database for the integration of metabolic annotations and the reconstruction, comparison and analysis of metabolic models for plants, fungi and microbes
SMD Seaver, F Liu, Q Zhang, J Jeffryes, JP Faria, JN Edirisinghe, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (D1), D575-D588, 2021
Protein aggregation during overexpression limited by peptide extensions with large net negative charge
YB Zhang, J Howitt, S McCorkle, P Lawrence, K Springer, P Freimuth
Protein expression and purification 36 (2), 207-216, 2004
Distinct p53 genomic binding patterns in normal and cancer-derived human cells
K Botcheva, SR McCorkle, WR McCombie, JJ Dunn, CW Anderson
Cell cycle 10 (24), 4237-4249, 2011
Multi-faceted epigenetic dysregulation of gene expression promotes esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
W Cao, H Lee, W Wu, A Zaman, S McCorkle, M Yan, J Chen, Q Xing, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3675, 2020
Production of light nuclei in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
J Barrette, R Bellwied, P Braun-Munzinger, WE Cleland, TM Cormier, ...
Physical Review C 50 (2), 1077, 1994
A clustering property of highly-degenerate transcription factor binding sites in the mammalian genome
C Zhang, Z Xuan, S Otto, JR Hover, SR McCorkle, G Mandel, MQ Zhang
Nucleic acids research 34 (8), 2238-2246, 2006
Measurement of transverse energy production with Si and Au beams at relativistic energy: Towards hot and dense hadronic matter
J Barrette, R Bellwied, S Bennett, P Braun-Munzinger, WE Cleland, ...
Physical review letters 70 (20), 2996, 1993
Proton and pion production relative to the reaction plane in Au + Au collisions at AGS energies
J Barrette, R Bellwied, S Bennett, R Bersch, P Braun-Munzinger, ...
Physical Review C 56, 3254, 0
Genomic signature tags (GSTs): a system for profiling genomic DNA
JJ Dunn, SR McCorkle, LA Praissman, G Hind, D Van Der Lelie, ...
Genome Research 12 (11), 1756-1765, 2002
Two-particle correlations in Au+ Au collisions at AGS energy
D Miśkowiec, J Barrette, R Bellwied, S Bennett, R Bersch, ...
Nuclear Physics A 610, 227-239, 1996
Charged-particle pseudorapidity distributions in Au+Al, Cu, Au, and U collisions at 10.8A GeV/c
J Barrette, R Bellwied, S Bennett, P Braun-Munzinger, WE Cleland, ...
Physical Review C 51 (6), 3309, 1995
production and flow in Au+Au collisions at
J Barrette, R Bellwied, S Bennett, R Bersch, P Braun-Munzinger, ...
Physical Review C 63 (1), 014902, 2000
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Articles 1–20