Dr. M. A. Radwan
Dr. M. A. Radwan
Professor of Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University
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Market basket survey for some heavy metals in Egyptian fruits and vegetables
MA Radwan, AK Salama
Food and chemical toxicology 44 (8), 1273-1278, 2006
Biological control of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on tomato using bioproducts of microbial origin
MA Radwan, SAA Farrag, MM Abu-Elamayem, NS Ahmed
Applied Soil Ecology 56, 58-62, 2012
Residual behaviour of profenofos on some field-grown vegetables and its removal using various washing solutions and household processing
MA Radwan, MM Abu-Elamayem, MH Shiboob, A Abdel-Aal
Food and Chemical Toxicology 43 (4), 553-557, 2005
Heavy metals (Cd, Pb) and trace elements (Cu, Zn) contents in some foodstuffs from the Egyptian market
AK Salama, MA Radwan
Emir. J. Agric. Sci 17 (1), 34-42, 2005
Biomarkers of oxidative stress in the land snail, Theba pisana for assessing ecotoxicological effects of urban metal pollution
MA Radwan, KS El-Gendy, AF Gad
Chemosphere 79 (1), 40-46, 2010
Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Digestive Gland of Theba pisana Exposed to Heavy Metals
MA Radwan, KS El-Gendy, AF Gad
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 58, 828-835, 2010
Biochemical and histochemical studies on the digestive gland of Eobania vermiculata snails treated with carbamate pesticides
MA Radwan, AE Essawy, NE Abdelmeguied, SS Hamed, AE Ahmed
Pesticide biochemistry and Physiology 90 (3), 154-167, 2008
Extraction, characterization, and nematicidal activity of chitin and chitosan derived from shrimp shell wastes
MA Radwan, SAA Farrag, MM Abu-Elamayem, NS Ahmed
Biology and Fertility of Soils 48, 463-468, 2012
Imidacloprid induced alterations in enzyme activities and energy reserves of the land snail, Helix aspersa
MA Radwan, MS Mohamed
Ecotoxicology and environmental Safety 95, 91-97, 2013
In vivo evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers in the land snail, Theba pisana exposed to copper-based pesticides
KS El-Gendy, MA Radwan, AF Gad
Chemosphere 77 (3), 339-344, 2009
Histological and ultrastructural changes induced by two carbamate molluscicides on the digestive gland of Eobania vermiculata.
SS Hamed, NE Abdelmeguied, AE Essawy, MA Radwan, AE Hegazy
Toxicity and biochemical impact of certain oxime carbamate pesticides against terrestrial snail, Theba pisana (Müller)
MA Radwan, HB El‐Wakil, KA Osman
Journal of Environmental Science & Health Part B 27 (6), 759-773, 1992
Oil cakes soil amendment effects on Meloidogyne incognita, root-knot nematode infecting tomato
MA Radwan, EK El-Maadawy, SI Kassem, MM Abu-Elamayem
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 42 (1), 58-64, 2009
Biochemical studies on the terrestrial snail, Eubania vermiculata (müller)treated with some pesticides
HB El‐Wakil, MA Radwan
Journal of Environmental Science & Health Part B 26 (5-6), 479-489, 1991
Neural networks pipeline for offline machine printed Arabic OCR
MA Radwan, MI Khalil, HM Abbas
Neural Processing Letters 48 (2), 769-787, 2018
Physiological and behaviroal responses of land molluscs as biomarkers for pollution impact assessment: A review
G Radwan, El-Gendy
Environmental Research 193,, 2021
Neuropathological effect of carbamate molluscicides on the land snail, Eobania vermiculata
AE Essawy, NE Abdelmeguied, MA Radwan, SS Hamed, AE Hegazy
Cell biology and toxicology 25, 275-290, 2009
Antibacterial screening of some essential oils, monoterpenoids and novel N-methyl carbamates based on monoterpenoids against Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Erwinia carotovora
SR El-Zemity, MA Radwan, SA El-Monam Mohamed, SM Sherby
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 41 (6), 451-461, 2008
Larvicidal activity of some essential oils, monoterpenoids and their corresponding N-methyl carbamate derivatives against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae)
MA Radwan, SR El-Zemity, SA Mohamed, SM Sherby
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 28 (2), 61-68, 2008
Biomarker responses in terrestrial gastropods exposed to pollutants: A comprehensive review
GAF Radwan MA, El-Gendy KS
Chemosphere, 2020
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Articles 1–20