Keisha M. Cutright
Keisha M. Cutright
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The beauty of boundaries: When and why we seek structure in consumption
KM Cutright
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (5), 775-790, 2012
Brands: The opiate of the nonreligious masses?
R Shachar, T Erdem, KM Cutright, GJ Fitzsimons
Marketing Science 30 (1), 92-110, 2011
Doing it the hard way: How low control drives preferences for high-effort products and services
KM Cutright, A Samper
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (3), 730-745, 2014
When your world must be defended: Choosing products to justify the system
KM Cutright, EC Wu, JC Banfield, AC Kay, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (1), 62-77, 2011
Putting brands in their place: How a lack of control keeps brands contained
KM Cutright, JR Bettman, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Marketing Research 50 (3), 365-377, 2013
How asking “who am I?” affects what consumers buy: The influence of self-discovery on consumption
EC Wu, KM Cutright, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Marketing Research 48 (2), 296-307, 2011
In God's hands: How reminders of God dampen the effectiveness of fear appeals
EC Wu, KM Cutright
Journal of Marketing Research 55 (1), 119-131, 2018
A person by situation account of motivated system defense
JC Banfield, AC Kay, KM Cutright, EC Wu, GJ Fitzsimons
Social Psychological and Personality Science 2 (2), 212-219, 2011
Hope, pride, and processing during optimal and nonoptimal times of day.
LA Cavanaugh, KM Cutright, MF Luce, JR Bettman
Emotion 11 (1), 38, 2011
Finding brands and losing your religion?
KM Cutright, T Erdem, GJ Fitzsimons, R Shachar
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (6), 2209, 2014
Distinctively different: Exposure to multiple brands in low-elaboration settings
LW Yang, KM Cutright, TL Chartrand, GJ Fitzsimons
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (5), 973-992, 2014
Loved as-is: How God salience lowers interest in self-improvement products
L Grewal, EC Wu, KM Cutright
Journal of Consumer Research 49 (1), 154-174, 2022
Thinking about God increases acceptance of artificial intelligence in decision-making
M Karataş, KM Cutright
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (33), e2218961120, 2023
Befriending the enemy: The effects of observing brand-to-brand praise on consumer evaluations and choices
L Zhou, KM Du, KM Cutright
Journal of Marketing 86 (4), 57-72, 2022
In and out of control: Personal control and consumer behavior
KM Cutright, EC Wu
Consumer Psychology Review 6 (1), 33-51, 2023
A person by situation account of motivated system defense. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2 (2), 212–219
JC Banfield, AC Kay, KM Cutright, EC Wu, GJ Fitzsimons
How business schools can help corporate America fight racism
NI Bruce, KM Cutright, RR Gosline, JS Thomas, TB White
No bandwidth to self-gift: How feeling constrained discourages self-gifting
JR Rifkin, KG Wight, KM Cutright
Journal of Consumer Research 50 (2), 343-362, 2023
The aesthetics we wear: How attire influences what we buy
KM Cutright, S Srna, A Samper
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 4 (4), 387-397, 2019
The preference for spontaneity in entertainment
JR Rifkin, KM Du, KM Cutright
Journal of Consumer Research 50 (3), 597-616, 2023
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Articles 1–20