Eric Meyers
Cited by
Cited by
Digital literacy and informal learning environments: an introduction
EM Meyers, I Erickson, RV Small
Learning, media and technology 38 (4), 355-367, 2013
Making sense of an information world: The everyday-life information behavior of preteens
EM Meyers, KE Fisher, E Marcoux
The Library Quarterly 79 (3), 301-341, 2009
The Sage handbook of e-learning research
C Haythornthwaite, EM Meyers, J Fransman, RNL Andrews
SAGE Publications Ltd, 2016
Making sense of conflicting science information: Exploring bias in the search engine result page
A Novin, E Meyers
Proceedings of the 2017 conference on conference human information …, 2017
Studying the everyday information behavior of tweens: Notes from the field
EM Meyers, KE Fisher, E Marcoux
Library & information science research 29 (3), 310-331, 2007
From activity to learning: Using cultural historical activity theory to model school library programmes and practices.
EM Meyers
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 12 (3), n3, 2007
Tip of the iceberg: Meaning, identity, and literacy in preteen virtual worlds
EM Meyers
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 226-236, 2009
Barriers to information seeking in school libraries: conflicts in perceptions and practice
EM Meyers, LP Nathan, ML Saxton
Information research 11 (2), 12-2, 2007
Perspectives on information literacy: A framework for conceptual understanding.
C Addison, E Meyers
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 18 (3), n3, 2013
Learning from YouTube: an analysis of information literacy in user discourse
M Asselin, T Dobson, EM Meyers, C Teixiera, L Ham
Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, 640-642, 2011
Tweens and everyday life information behavior: Preliminary findings from Seattle
EM Meyers, C Landry
Youth information-seeking behavior II: Context, theories, models, and issues …, 2007
Collective Intelligence or Group Think? Engaging Participation Patterns in World without Oil
N JafariNaimi, EM Meyers
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2015
Impoverished visions of sustainability: Encouraging disruption in digital learning environments
EM Meyers, LP Nathan
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative …, 2016
New media, new literacies, and new forms of learning
C Haythornthwaite, E Meyers
International Journal of Learning and Media 4 (3-4), 1-8, 2012
Aspects of everyday life in Roman Palestine with special reference to private domiciles and ritual baths
EM Meyers
Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman cities, 205-232, 2003
The future of children's texts: Evaluating book apps as multimodal reading experiences
EM Meyers, E Zaminpaima, A Frederico
IConference 2014 Proceedings, 2014
A Comment on Learning: Media Literacy Practices in YouTube
EM Meyers
International Journal of Learning and Media, 2014
Priestly Language in the Book of Malachi
EM Meyers
Ohio State University. Department of Judaic and Near Eastern Languages and …, 1986
Critical making with a raspberry pi‐towards a conceptualization of librarians as makers
KE Parham, AM Ferri, S Fan, MP Murray, RA Lahr, E Grguric, M Swamiraj, ...
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2014
Who’s watching your kids? Safety and surveillance in virtual worlds for children
EM Meyers, LP Nathan, K Unsworth
Journal For Virtual Worlds Research 3 (2), 2010
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Articles 1–20