Sergio Rusi
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Cited by
Long-term trend and fluctuations of karst spring discharge in a Mediterranean area (central-southern Italy)
F Fiorillo, M Petitta, E Preziosi, S Rusi, L Esposito, M Tallini
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 153-172, 2015
Water-table and discharge changes associated with the 2016–2017 seismic sequence in central Italy: hydrogeological data and a conceptual model for fractured carbonate aquifers
M Petitta, L Mastrorillo, E Preziosi, F Banzato, MD Barberio, A Billi, ...
Hydrogeology Journal, 2018
Impact of the 6 April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake on groundwater flow in the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer, Central Italy
A Amoruso, L Crescentini, M Petitta, S Rusi, M Tallini
Hydrological Processes 25 (11), 1754-1764, 2011
A multivariate non-parametric approach for estimating probability of exceeding the local natural background level of arsenic in the aquifers of Calabria region (Southern Italy)
C Apollaro, D Di Curzio, I Fuoco, A Buccianti, E Dinelli, G Vespasiano, ...
Science of The Total Environment 806, 150345, 2022
Mobilisation processes responsible for iron and manganese contamination of groundwater in Central Adriatic Italy
W Palmucci, S Rusi, D Di Curzio
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 11790-11805, 2016
Human alteration of groundwater–surface water interactions (Sagittario River, Central Italy): implication for flow regime, contaminant fate and invertebrate response
M Caschetto, M Barbieri, DMP Galassi, L Mastrorillo, S Rusi, F Stoch, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 71, 1791-1807, 2014
Changes on groundwater flow and hydrochemistry of the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer after 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
R Adinolfi Falcone, V Carucci, A Falgiani, M Manetta, B Parisse, M Petitta, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 131 (3), 459-474, 2012
Statistical and fractal approaches on long time-series to surface-water/groundwater relationship assessment: A central Italy alluvial plain case study
A Chiaudani, D Di Curzio, W Palmucci, A Pasculli, M Polemio, S Rusi
Water 9 (11), 850, 2017
Diurnal and Semidiurnal Cyclicity of Radon (222Rn) in Groundwater, Giardino Spring, Central Apennines, Italy
MD Barberio, F Gori, M Barbieri, A Billi, R Devoti, C Doglioni, M Petitta, ...
Water 10 (9), 1276, 2018
Boron-rich groundwater in Central Eastern Italy: a hydrogeochemical and statistical approach to define origin and distribution
W Palmucci, S Rusi
Environmental earth sciences 72, 5139-5157, 2014
Mud volcanoes in central Italy: subsoil characterization through a multidisciplinary approach
ML Rainone, S Rusi, P Torrese
Geomorphology 234, 228-242, 2015
Idrogeologia del massiccio carbonatico della montagna della Majella (Appennino centrale)
T Nanni, S Rusi
Bollettino-Società Geologica Italiana 122 (2), 173-202, 2003
Regional rainfall threshold maps drawn through multivariate geostatistical techniques for shallow landslide hazard zonation
G Vessia, D Di Curzio, A Chiaudani, S Rusi
Science of the total environment 705, 135815, 2020
The Marsili volcanic seamount (southern Tyrrhenian Sea): a potential offshore geothermal resource
F Italiano, A De Santis, P Favali, ML Rainone, S Rusi, P Signanini
Energies 7 (7), 4068-4086, 2014
Comparison between periodic tracer tests and time-series analysis to assess mid-and long-term recharge model changes due to multiple strong seismic events in carbonate aquifers
D Fronzi, D Di Curzio, S Rusi, D Valigi, A Tazioli
Water 12 (11), 3073, 2020
The snow and rainfall impact on the Verde spring behavior: A statistical approach on hydrodynamic and hydrochemical daily time-series
A Chiaudani, D Di Curzio, S Rusi
Science of the Total Environment 689, 481-493, 2019
Structural-stratigraphic setting of middle Adriatic alluvial plains and its control on quantitative and qualitative groundwater circulation
G Desiderio, L Ferracuti, S Rusi
Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d’Italia 76, 147-162, 2007
La pianura del fiume Vomano (Abruzzo); idrogeologia, antropizzazione e suoi effetti sul depauperamento della falda
G Desiderio, T Nanni, S Rusi
Bollettino della Società geologica italiana 122 (3), 421-434, 2003
Tracking flowpaths in a complex karst system through tracer test and hydrogeochemical monitoring: Implications for groundwater protection (Gran Sasso, Italy)
V Lorenzi, F Banzato, MD Barberio, N Goeppert, N Goldscheider, F Gori, ...
Heliyon 10 (2), 2024
Groundwater drift monitoring as a tool to assess the spatial distribution of groundwater species into karst aquifers
T Di Lorenzo, D Cipriani, B Fiasca, S Rusi, DMP Galassi
Hydrobiologia 813, 137-156, 2018
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Articles 1–20