Per S Andersson
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Cited by
Continentally-derived solutes in shallow Archean seawater: rare earth element and Nd isotope evidence in iron formation from the 2.9 Ga Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
BW Alexander, M Bau, P Andersson, P Dulski
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (2), 378-394, 2008
Temporal variations in the fractionation of the rare earth elements in a boreal river; the role of colloidal particles.
J Ingri, A Widerlund, M Land, Ö Gustafsson, P Andersson, B Öhlander
Chemical Geology 166 (1-2), 23-45, 2000
Sampling and sample-handling protocols for GEOTRACES cruises
G Cutter, P Andersson, L Codispoti, P Croot, R Francois, MC Lohan, ...
Geotraces, 2010
Characterization of Siberian Arctic coastal sediments: Implications for terrestrial organic carbon export
L Guo, I Semiletov, Ö Gustafsson, J Ingri, P Andersson, O Dudarev, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (1), 2004
GEOTRACES–An international study of the global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes
SCOR Working Group
Geochemistry 67 (2), 85-131, 2007
The sources and transport of Sr and Nd isotopes in the Baltic Sea
PS Andersson, GJ Wasserburg, J Ingri
Earth and planetary science letters 113 (4), 459-472, 1992
The importance of colloids and mires for the transport of uranium isotopes through the Kalix River watershed and Baltic Sea
D Porcelli, PS Andersson, GJ Wasserburg, J Ingri, M Baskaran
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (19), 4095-4113, 1997
Ba/Sr, Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in soil water and groundwater: implications for relative contributions to stream water discharge
M Land, J Ingri, PS Andersson, B Öhlander
Applied Geochemistry 15 (3), 311-325, 2000
Colloidal rare earth elements in a boreal river: changing sources and distributions during the spring flood
K Andersson, R Dahlqvist, D Turner, B Stolpe, T Larsson, J Ingri, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (13), 3261-3274, 2006
Aeolian dust in East Antarctica (EPICA‐Dome C and Vostok): Provenance during glacial ages over the last 800 kyr
B Delmonte, PS Andersson, M Hansson, H Schöberg, JR Petit, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (7), 2008
Nonconservative behavior of dissolved organic carbon across the Laptev and East Siberian seas
V Alling, L Sanchez‐Garcia, D Porcelli, S Pugach, JE Vonk, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (4), 2010
238U234U and232Th230Th in the Baltic Sea and in river water
PS Andersson, GJ Wasserburg, JH Chen, DA Papanastassiou, J Ingri
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 130 (1-4), 217-234, 1995
Iron isotope fractionation in river colloidal matter
J Ingri, D Malinovsky, I Rodushkin, DC Baxter, A Widerlund, P Andersson, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 245 (3-4), 792-798, 2006
GEOTRACES intercalibration of neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations in seawater and suspended particles. Part 1: reproducibility of results for the …
T Van De Flierdt, K Pahnke, H Amakawa, P Andersson, C Basak, B Coles, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10 (4), 234-251, 2012
Direct compound-specific stable chlorine isotope analysis of organic compounds with quadrupole GC/MS using standard isotope bracketing
C Aeppli, H Holmstrand, P Andersson, O Gustafsson
Analytical Chemistry 82 (1), 420-426, 2010
Quantification of sedimentary black carbon using the chemothermal oxidation method: an evaluation of ex situ pretreatments and standard additions approaches
M Elmquist, Ö Gustafsson, P Andersson
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 2 (12), 417-427, 2004
Colloid dynamics and transport of major elements through a boreal river—brackish bay mixing zone
Ö Gustafsson, A Widerlund, PS Andersson, J Ingri, P Roos, A Ledin
Marine Chemistry 71 (1-2), 1-21, 2000
Thallium isotope composition of the upper continental crust and rivers—an investigation of the continental sources of dissolved marine thallium
SG Nielsen, M Rehkämper, D Porcelli, P Andersson, AN Halliday, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (8), 2007-2019, 2005
Particle transport of 234U-238U in the Kalix River and in the Baltic Sea
PS Andersson, D Porcelli, GJ Wasserburg, J Ingri
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (3), 385-392, 1998
Iridium, sulfur isotopes and rare earth elements in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clay at Stevns Klint, Denmark
B Schmitz, P Andersson, J Dahl
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 52 (1), 229-236, 1988
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Articles 1–20