R.R. Ambriz
R.R. Ambriz
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Local mechanical properties of the 6061-T6 aluminium weld using micro-traction and instrumented indentation
RR Ambriz, D Chicot, N Benseddiq, G Mesmacque, SD De la Torre
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 30 (3), 307-315, 2011
Mechanical behavior of precipitation hardened aluminum alloys welds
RR Ambriz, D Jaramillo
Light metal alloys applications 1, 2-5, 2014
The microstructure and mechanical strength of Al-6061-T6 GMA welds obtained with the modified indirect electric arc joint
RR Ambriz, G Barrera, R García, VH López
Materials & Design 31 (6), 2978-2986, 2010
Mechanical properties of Inconel 718 welds performed by gas tungsten arc welding
R Cortés, ER Barragán, VH López, RR Ambriz, D Jaramillo
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94, 3949-3961, 2018
Determination of the tensile behavior at middle strain rate of AA6061-T6 aluminum alloy welds
RR Ambriz, C Froustey, G Mesmacque
International Journal of Impact Engineering 60, 107-119, 2013
A comparative study of the mechanical properties of 6061-T6 GMA welds obtained by the indirect electric arc (IEA) and the modified indirect electric arc (MIEA)
RR Ambriz, G Barrera, R García, VH López
Materials & Design 30 (7), 2446-2453, 2009
Effect of the welding profile generated by the modified indirect electric arc technique on the fatigue behavior of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy
RR Ambriz, G Mesmacque, A Ruiz, A Amrouche, VH López
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (7-8), 2057-2064, 2010
Overloading effect on the fatigue strength in resistance spot welding joints of a DP980 steel
JH Ordoñez, RR Ambriz, C García, G Plascencia, D Jaramillo
International Journal of Fatigue 121, 163-171, 2019
Fatigue and crack growth behavior of Inconel 718–AL6XN dissimilar welds
R Cortés, NK Rodríguez, RR Ambriz, VH López, A Ruiz, D Jaramillo
Materials Science and Engineering: A 745, 20-30, 2019
Welding of aluminum alloys
RR Ambriz, V Mayagoitia, Z Ahmad
Recent Trends in Processing and Degradation of Aluminium Alloys. Croatia …, 2011
Recovery of mechanical properties of a 6061-T6 aluminum weld by heat treatment after welding
JS Pérez, RR Ambriz, FFC López, DJ Vigueras
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 3412-3422, 2016
Nondestructive assessing of the aging effects in 2205 duplex stainless steel using thermoelectric power
NO Lara, A Ruiz, C Rubio, RR Ambriz, A Medina
Ndt & E International 44 (5), 463-468, 2011
Cold hole expansion effect on the fatigue crack growth in welds of a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy
KC Viveros, RR Ambriz, A Amrouche, A Talha, C García, D Jaramillo
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (11), 2606-2616, 2014
Effect of the weld thermal cycles of the modified indirect electric arc on the mechanical properties of the AA6061-T6 alloy
RR Ambriz, G Barrera, R García, VH López
Welding International 24 (4), 321-328, 2010
Assessment of gas tungsten arc welding thermal cycles on Inconel 718 alloy
M Hernández, RR Ambriz, R Cortès, CM Gómora, G Plascencia, ...
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 29 (3), 579-587, 2019
Tensile properties and fusion zone hardening for GMAW and MIEA welds of a 7075-T651 aluminum alloy
N Alatorre, RR Ambriz, B Noureddine, A Amrouche, A Talha, D Jaramillo
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 27, 694-704, 2014
Fracture energy evaluation on 7075-T651 aluminum alloy welds determined by instrumented impact pendulum
RR Ambriz, D Jaramillo, C Garcia, FF Curiel
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 26 (4), 974-983, 2016
Identifying the stress–strain curve of materials by microimpact testing. Application on pure copper, pure iron, and aluminum alloy 6061-T651
H Al Baida, C Langlade, G Kermouche, RR Ambriz
Journal of Materials Research 30 (14), 2222-2230, 2015
Fatigue crack growth under a constant amplitude loading of Al-6061-T6 welds obtained by modified indirect electric arc technique
RR Ambriz, G Mesmacque, A Ruiz, A Amrouche, VH López, N Benseddiq
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 15 (6), 514-521, 2010
Heat distribution in welds of a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy obtained by modified indirect electric arc
CM Gómora, RR Ambriz, FF Curiel, D Jaramillo
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243, 433-441, 2017
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Articles 1–20