Dr. Mohammed Ismail
Dr. Mohammed Ismail
Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Windsor
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A study on corrosion effects of a water based nanofluid for enhanced thermal energy applications
S Fotowat, S Askar, M Ismail, A Fartaj
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 24, 39-44, 2017
Air cooling by multiport slabs heat exchanger: An experimental approach
ES Dasgupta, S Askar, M Ismail, A Fartaj, MA Quaiyum
Experimental thermal and fluid science 42, 46-54, 2012
Numerical investigation on heat transfer and fluid flow behaviors of viscous fluids in a minichannel heat exchanger
M Ismail, A Fartaj, M Karimi
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 64 (1), 1-29, 2013
Effect of channel size on heat transfer and pressure drop in thin slabs minichannel heat exchanger
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2 (1), 33-42, 2014
Study of Motor Oil Cooling at Low Reynolds Number in Multi-Port Narrow Channels
MS Saadi, M Ismail, S Fotowat, MA Quaiyum, A Fartaj
SAE International Journal of Engines 6 (2), 1287-1298, 2013
Simulation of Al2O3-ATF Nanofluid in a Compact Heat Exchanger
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
2nd International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, Ottawa …, 2015
Numerical simulation of Al2O3/automatic transmission fluid and Al2O3/water nanofluids in a compact heat exchanger
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT) 3 (1), 34-43, 2016
Experimental study on air heating through a cross-flow minichannel heat exchanger
S Fotowat, A Fartaj, M Ismail, MA Quaiyum, A Serena
CSME International Congress-2012, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, June 4-6, 2012 …, 2012
Transient Response of Minichannel Heat Exchanger Using Al 2 O 3-EG/W Nanofluid
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
SAE 2016 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, USA, April 12-14, 2016 …, 2016
Study of automatic transmission fluid in a serpentine minichannel heat exchanger: An experimental approach
MA Quaiyum, M Ismail, A Fartaj
Experimental Heat Transfer 28 (3), 244-266, 2015
Evaluation of Crossflow Heat Exchanger Modules in Sequential and Simultaneous Orientations
M Ismail, MG Khan, A Fartaj
Heat and Mass Transfer Research Journal (HMTRJ) 3 (2), 1-23, 2019
Study of Al2O3/Water nanofluid in a multiport slab heat exchanger
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2015), London, Ontario …, 2015
Uniformity of Flow and Heat Transfer Distribution in Minichannel Heat Exchanger Slab: A Numerical Approach
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
Numerical investigation of engine oil through minichannel heat exchanger
M Ismail, A Fartaj, M Karimi, S Fotowat, M Saadi
CSME International Congress-2012, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, June 4-6, 2012 …, 2012
Comparison of Fluid Flow and Thermal Characteristics of Sequential and Simultaneous Crossflow Heat Exchangers
M Ismail, MG Khan, A Fartaj
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer 8, 100-111, 2021
Transient Heat Transfer Phenomena of Crossflow Minichannel Heat Exchanger due to Incremental and Decremental hot Fluid Mass Flow Rates
M Ismail, MG Khan, A Fartaj
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT) 7, 73-91, 2020
Investigation of Sequential and Simultaneous Crossflow Heat Exchangers for Automotive Application
M Ismail, MG Khan, A Fartaj
5th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'20), DOI: 10 …, 2020
Water based nanofluids for enhanced thermal energy applications: potential and safety features
S Fotowat, M Ismail, S Askar, F Fartaj
2016 Energy & Water Symposium, Windsor, ON, Canada, June 22-23, 2016, Paper …, 2016
CFD modeling and validation of a multipass compact heat exchanger
M Ismail, S Fotowat, A Fartaj
23rd Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada …, 2015
Heat and Mass Flow Characterization of Highly Viscous Fluid in Narrow-Channel Heat Exchanger
MA Quaiyum, M Ismail, A Fartaj
SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, USA, April 8-10, 2014 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20