Michael Morrissey
Michael Morrissey
Optical Engineer at ELI-Beamlines, Prague, Check Republic
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Heat-and-pull rig for fiber taper fabrication
JM Ward, DG O’Shea, BJ Shortt, MJ Morrissey, K Deasy, ...
Review of scientific instruments 77 (8), 2006
Spectroscopy, manipulation and trapping of neutral atoms, molecules, and other particles using optical nanofibers: a review
MJ Morrissey, K Deasy, M Frawley, R Kumar, E Prel, L Russell, ...
Sensors 13 (8), 10449-10481, 2013
Tapered optical fibers as tools for probing magneto-optical trap characteristics
MJ Morrissey, K Deasy, Y Wu, S Chakrabarti, S Nic Chormaic
Review of scientific instruments 80 (5), 2009
Sub-Doppler temperature measurements of laser-cooled atoms using optical nanofibres
L Russell, K Deasy, MJ Daly, MJ Morrissey, SN Chormaic
Measurement Science and Technology 23 (1), 015201, 2011
An ultra-bright atom laser
V Bolpasi, NK Efremidis, MJ Morrissey, PC Condylis, D Sahagun, M Baker, ...
New Journal of Physics 16 (3), 033036, 2014
A gradient and offset compensated Ioffe–Pritchard trap for Bose–Einstein condensation experiments
V Bolpasi, J Grucker, MJ Morrissey, W von Klitzing
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (23), 235301, 2012
Few atom detection and manipulation using optical nanofibres
K Deasy, A Watkins, M Morrissey, R Schmidt, SN Chormaic
Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking: First International Conference …, 2010
Precision control of magneto-optically cooled rubidium atoms
S Nic Chormaic, A Yarovitskiy, B Shortt, K Deasy, M Morrissey
Opto-Ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy 5826, 83-93, 2005
Manipulation Tools for Laser-Cooled Rubidium Atoms: Ultrathin Optical Fibres and Magnetic Diffraction Gratings
MJ Morrissey
Atomic absorption from the evanescent field of a sub-micron fibre taper
MJ Morrissey, K Deasy, TN Bandi, BJ Shortt, SN Chormaic
International Quantum Electronics Conference, IA_3, 2007
Evanescent Field Atom Optics Using Micro-Tapered Fibers
SN Chormaic, M Morrissey, K Deasy, TB Nagabhushan, J Ward, B Shortt
Laser Science, LTuK3, 2006
Precision control of magneto-optically cooled rubidium atoms
SN Chormaic, A Yarovitskiy, B Shortt, K Deasy, M Morrissey
Opto-Ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy 5826, 83-93, 2005
An ultra-bright atom laser
D Sahagun, V Bolpasi, W von Klitzing, NK Efremidis, V Paltoglou, ...
Physical Review A 87 (043637), 2013
Thermo-Optical Tuning of Whispering Gallery Modes in Microspheres around the 85Rb Cooling Transition
L Russell, SN Chormaic, JM Ward, MJ Morrissey
Frontiers in Optics, FThC2, 2009
Ultrathin Optical Fibers as Tools in Atom Optics
L Russell, SN Chormaic, K Deasy, M Morrissey, A Watkins, M Frawley, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FMG3, 2009
Atomic fluorescence emitted into an optical nanofiber: coupling efficiency and spectrum
D Gleeson, V Minogin, M Morrissey, K Deasy, T Bandi, ŚN Chormaic
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JThA126, 2008
Precision Control of Cold Rubidium Atoms
S Nic Chormaic, K Deasy, M Morrissey, B Shortt, A Yarovitskiy
AIP Conference Proceedings 795 (1), 199-199, 2005
Cold atoms at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
M Gumede, S Dlamini, MJ Morrissey, F Petruccione
A novel 2-D+ magneto-optical trap configuration for cold atoms
M Semonyo, S Dlamini, MJ Morrissey, F Petruccione
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Articles 1–19